Thursday 27 January 2022

Light On Thursday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_"But wait until the bridal week is over;_* _then we'll give you Rachel, too - provided you promise to work another seven years for me."_

He then stayed and worked for Laban for the additional seven years. (Genesis 29:27,30b)

Fraudulent or not, blessed or not, Jacob felt one thing grow strong within him. 

It was genuine love for Rachel. It must have been love at first sight, right from the watering point. 

Room had opened in his heart for Rachel, that even Leah could not fill. 

This love was compelling enough for Jacob to endure seven more years of work. 

His source of power to do that was his genuine love for Rachel. 

The duration,  amount or nature of work could not deter him. 

What mattered the most was that he got the wife he loved . (Genesis 29:30a)

What drives the spirit of long-suffering in you? For Jacob it was love and determination. 

These two ingredients made him keep his focus and enthusiasm. 

The two components are key to achievement. 

You never go wrong if you do something out of love and you will be determined to commit yourself to whatever goal you set.

Laban's test of Jacob's love for Rachel was fourteen years of work. 

Many of us often fail when a long time is set before us as a measure of our achievement. 

Real things do happen over time and not overnight.



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