Saturday 29 January 2022

Motivation Express With Tendai Muchena

 *Be Grateful!* 

Often when we hear about the disasters happening in other parts of the world, it seems like they are just a story. 

A look at the skies this week has been a constant reminder of the disaster in our homeland, the loss of life and property. 

It is nothing but the grace of God that shields us from the things that can destroy us. 

It could have been you and I on the statistics of people who died because of the tropical storm Ana. 

It could have been you and I now homeless and cold. 

Are we living our lives in a way that shows we are grateful for life?

_I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify your name for evermore._  Psalms 86:12 

Tikasatenda toona zvaMwari senhando. Maximize the gift of life that the Lord has granted you today.

*Tendai Muchena fellowships at the Salvation Army Marlborough Church in Harare. She writes here in her own capacity. She can be contacted at

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