Sunday 16 January 2022

Murewa Update By The Church News


Cotton growing unease


VILLAGERS in Murewa have received Presidential Agricultural in-put of Cotton Seeds, however, 

they cite delay as presently utilized the fields.

 The program has been received by villagers but alluded that have cultivated lands for maize and 

suggested they stock the seeds as long temperature permit till next season. Few are raising concern 

of scrutinized as the program might not go well owing to low temperatures in the region as 

Mashonaland Province is Region 2. 

 The cotton plants need high temperatures lest we try and error said a Murombedzi villager.

 Villagers talk to The Church News said, we have no no-how to imbed the seeds as well maintain 

them for the required score at the time of harvest. Ample time of research is needed or else 

demonstration by specialists.

 Voster Mukahadzi of Chigombe and many villagers have deposited the seeds the day they

received the share affirming have punctually smear the seeds, if they fail then will launch from 

there said Mukahadzi. 

 He said, cotton is a better crop that cannot be stolen by supernatural means referring to the heated 

story of invisible snake that invades neighbors’ fields and pocketed yields for the wicked heroin.

 He further said, cotton need first rains so that it grows to the ripe with sunshine. In cotton regions 

there is less rainfall. Here at region 2, the rains leave moisture thus the harvesting be affected.

 The Agriculture Extension office is jammed by villagers in regard of the program then referred 

to respective Ward councilors as answerable to the program.

 It is reported by the cotton experts that the field cotton planted after harvesting should enjoy a 

total rest of five years without maize seeds planted except other produces as cotton is specifically 

for arid regions then reduces soil texture.

 By the time of going to press no Ward councilors was available for comment.


Sun dance at Fatima: Predict the Ball of Redemption

AS early as July 1917, it was claimed that the Virgin Mary had promised a miracle for the last of 

her apparitions on October 13, so that all would believe. What happened then became known as 

the “Miracle of the Sun”.

 A huge crowd, variously estimated between 30000 and 100000 including reporters and 

photographers, gathered at the Cova da Iria. The incessant rain had ceased and there was a thin 

layer of cloud. Lucia, seeing light rising from the lady’s hands and the sun appearing as a silver 

disk, called out “look at the sun”. She later had no memory of saying this.

 Witnesses later spoke of the sun spearing to change colors and rotate like a wheel. Witnesses 

gave widely varying descriptions of the “sun’s dance”. Poet Afonso Lopes Vieira and 

schoolteacher Delfina Lopes (with her students and other witnesses in the town of Alburita), 

reported that the solar phenomenon was visible up to forty kilometers away.

 Columnist Avelino de Almeida of O Seculo Portugal’s most influential newspaper, which was 

pro-government in policy and avowedly anti-clerical), reported the following: “Before the 

astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly 

searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws – the sun ‘danced’ according to the typical expression of the people. Eye specialist Dr. Domingos 

Pinto Coelho, writing for the newspaper Ordem reported “The sun, at one moment surrounded 

with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceeding 

fast and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching 

the earth, strongly radiating heat”. The special reporter for the October 17, 1917 edition of the 

Lisbon daily, O Dia, reported the following, “…the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy purple 

light was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds…The light turned a beautiful blue, 

as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people 

who knelt with outstretched hands…people wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence 

of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.”

 No movement or other phenomenon of the sun was recorded by scientists at the time. Not all 

witnesses reported seeing the sun “dance”. Some people only saw the radiant colors, and others 

including some believers, saw nothing at all. On lookers reported other phenomenon, including 

luminous mist and showers of flower petals seen around and above the tree during previous 



THE Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was a sign of the Ball of Redemption predicted by the Prophet 

Joel. And he himself said, tells you with no uncertainty it would be a comet. Because what he said, 

if you read Joel, only a short section in the Old Testament. He said, “In those days the world will 

be like a garden of pleasure.” And as Jesus said, men will be marrying and giving in marriage, 

eating and drinking and making merry and “peace, peace.” The cries of “peace” will go throughout 

the world, when suddenly the destruction will be upon you. Truly all the signs are here now… 

Therefore, Joel said, there will be a burning ball that will go through this land which is like a land 

of pleasure. And behind it a flaming tail. So you yourself know that the only thing-the burning ball 

with the flaming tail is a comet. And so there Joel himself knew. And he was a prophet hundreds 

of years ago, before the coming of Christ, even.- Veronica Leuken’s commentary, Sept 28, 1973.

Xmas demises in Murewa


DURING Christmas holiday, in Murewa west received many deaths of legends include Mr. Petros 

Gedions Nyamawuya on Thursday morning, Mr. Thomas Jena Magwenzi on Friday evening, Mr. 

Chingosho on Saturday, Mai Tsuro on Monday and Mr. Mudzinge on Monday.

 Mrs Tsuro died while the son Fr. Nigel Tsuro innocently led a Funeral service of Nyamawuya 

on Monday 27 Dec. 

 Chingosho a businessman was first to be buried followed by Nyamawuya a former teacher, on 

Tuesday Magwenzi and lastly Mrs Tsuro on Dec 29. 

 2021 was tainted by funerals of the beloved prodigies, Nyamawuya stand the oldest. 

 The deaths were in line with Jesus explain the story of weeds in the field to His disciples. He 

said the harvesting is the end of the world (Matt 13:39), then the godly will shine like the sun in 

their Father’s kingdom (Matt 13:43). 

 So our dear beloved ancestry were with Jesus at Sabbath rest where Jesus descended and on the 

third day he rose again and ascended to heaven where he is seated at the right of God. All who die

in Christ will descend to Sabbath rest, a place the dead in Christ will await redemption.

 The world celebrated two events on Saturday: Birth of Christ and Jesus at Sabbath Rest. Other of the mainline churches are of the view that the Sabbath (holy day) was altered by a 

particular religious to venerate Sunday reverence as redemption is greater than creation; therefore 

ought to keep the day of Christ’s resurrection, instead of the ancient Sabbath of the Lord. 

 The church in particular certainly not change Sabbath, but tradition of the “fathers” as the world 

learnt of the resurrected Jesus, all Jerusalem cried in jubilant as Saturday was in reflection of 

Friday event Jesus’ nailed on the Cross. 

 In Exodus 12v16 reads, “On the first day [Sunday] of the festival, and again on the seventh day 

[Saturday], all the people must gather for a time of a special worship. No work of any kind may 

be done on these [2] days except in the preparation of food.” This, when God proclaimed to the 

Israel that they should follow and Saturday declared the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord came 

on a Friday, when Jesus was nailed on the Cross and Saturday was at Sabbath rest with the dead 

saints solemnizing the end of creation. May the departed souls rest in peace.

Lunch delayed burial


THE burial of Thomas Jena Magwenzi (94) died on Friday 24 Dec. was delayed owing to serving 

of lunch. The delay was caused as a result of attendance since the departed grandpa stood 

recognizable within bordering societies and stayed a church-goer of St. Paul’s Parish.

 The burial breviary was held at St. Paul’s Parish at 10am, and the service ended at noon. Both 

the deceased’s body and entourage arrive late afternoon. The food was hitherto in arrange, tables 

not set to mount saucepans as lunch remain served the hotelier way.

 The funeral emerged as another festive that an alien to the site could anticipate a celebration of 

a particular event with Inflatables and firecrackers fired up. The donning similar to bridals by 

kinsfolks were noticed with cosmetics applied and hair-dos by special braiders.

 At the church, it was a nuptial missal with groom in the coffin, ladies clad in black classy material 

designed to match bridal attire remain shrouded the groom’s coffin while the priest performing 


 The family demonstrated the last respect to the beloved departed grand, Thomas by feeding 

hundreds of mourners and laudable with expensive coffin proved the true funeral of ancestry hero.

 The pit was excavated on top of an anthill shrouded with trees and build a house-like pit, rise-up 

that the persons drag the coffin on top of pit-jaw fill extra heavy on the muscles as it was three 

metres from terrain to the mouth of the pit-jaw. 

 Meanwhile, Petros Gedions Nyamawuya died in the morning of Thursday 23 Dec. was buried at 

the Missionary cemetery on Monday, and closes the missionary cemetery.

 At the church service of Nyamawuya, the priest leading the missal Fr. Nigel Tsuro’s mother was 

reported dead. She was buried on 29 Dec. at her Zvareva village in Murewa west.

 The late Nyamawuya was believed to reach the ripe age of Third Generation according to her 

daughter Martina Madondo and few students talked to by The Church News, taught by him way 

back in early 50s. He left children and grandchildren. 

 In another deaths of businessman Chingosho and Mudzinge died during Christmas were buried Death for apostasy 


THE fast growing religion in Murewa is the Moslem church, a talk of wider spectra in the Murewa 

west communities in Mash East Province.

 The church is registering new converts at every ecclesiastical gathering then introduce a course 

for new comers into Islam, taught how to declaim the first six recitals, after have gone through a 

declaration in the presence of administer member signed in acceptance of the church rules that all 

rights performed according to the Islamic rites and buried at Moslem cemetery.

 According to observers observe the recruitment exercise said, the church lure members by 

charitable means of giving essentials result in subpoenaing members of other denominations to 


 Islamic church, from time immemorial was active in farms, mines and other institutions alike 

Cold Storage, Railways and Council where employer offer accommodation called ‘compound’ and 

adoring as the compounds were in dominance by immigrants and no locals allied with.

 When government start land program, workers were made redundant then seek shelter in the 

rural areas thus, Moslem church seized the opportunity to establish churches in rural end. They 

establish at Musami, and also reported that they have acquired other stands at Pakati, Cassino and 


 In Mash. East Province, people in alliance join the devotion that made no study and sign 

declaration of acceptance into religious that proclaims and dictates death for apostasy, and are 

various hadiths that show Muhammad want anyone leaving Islam be put to death. 

 Apostasy is on the rife in unprecedented numbers in the Muslim world said Ali A. Rizvi in a 

book The Curse of God.

“Muslims” are those who commit themselves in surrender to Allah. Allah, they say, is the Arabic 

name of God.

 The name ‘Islam’ means commitment’, ‘surrender’, and ‘submission.’

 The name Mohammad in Arabic means “the praised one.” Before he was named Muhammad 

was called Kutam, born from the family of Hashim of the tribe of the Qureysh, claimed to have 

descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham through Egyptian women Hagar. 

 There is raging debate in the Muslim world on whether Islam allows child marriages as 

Muhammad married a 9-year-old Aisha and also wife-beating as Allah has clearly said in the 

Quran you can beat your disobedient wives.

Rural homes shunned as heritors haunted by phantoms


THE Bible is very clear about how dangerous is spiritualism. Spiritualism has existed for 

thousands of years. It is in contact by humans with demons. That is nothing to play around with!

 Many rural houses are shunned amid haunts by evil spirits of the dead owners as they die 

mysteriously or bewitched result in heritors reject home and seek alternative land somewhere. The 

spurned land left, a caretaker is appointed toward safeguard the home too utilize fields or leave 

without and end up desolate.

 Village homes remain left lying idle owing to the haunt result or else beneficiary appoint 

caretaker to man and utilize the land so that the name of the deceased remain active in the register

of village with no one pay council fees as heritors have no interest with property.

 Most former land owners had own styles of appeasing dead spirits and worship different deities

as a result they tamper with it merely to gratify the curiosity. They have no real faith in it and would be filled with horror at the thought of yielding themselves to the spirits’ control. They will 

be confronted by the spirits of devils personating beloved relatives or friends and declaring the 

most dangerous heresies.

 The adoring bring miseries in the families as deities differs. Some in magic world and acquire 

gores to upkeep properties and fields then if owner die thus property become challenge to maintain 

as the gory demands unbearable claims of compensations and cause families to consult spirit 

mediums then charged hefty to appease the dead and the gory so that the home is cleansed 

henceforth, the young families of today cannot, they find better way of leave a life without hassles 

said Tunha of Chikwaka village.

 Other homes stand known by neighbours that they stay unreachable as a result of witchcraft and 

regular visits remain avoided lest the home befallen with calamity, villagers stand eschew only 

families and closet attend.

 The parentages’ wish require children born to inherit cultural ethos, thus legacy trails day’s 

upheaval of shunning homes by today generation.

Mainline church accused of Sabbath change 

IN one of the clerical cycles’ debate remain heated about the Sabbath change by one of the 

mainline church is causing conflict among lay persons in the ecclesiastical.

 The Church’s prerogative venerate Saturday as the day of worship decreed by God to the Israel 

during Passover festival.

 God demanded to His people (Israel) before leaving for Canaan that on the First day of the 

festival (Sunday), and again on the Seventh day (Saturday), all the people must gather for a time 

of special worship. No work of any kind may be performed except the preparation of food (Ex. 

12:14-16). God also give instruction to Moses that the month be the first month of the year.

 The Passover festival was since in the plan of God that He chose to be His Rest Day 

overshadowing Jesus’ Rest after nailed on the cross on Friday then Saturday at Rest in Limbo 

where the dead who died in Christ descend denotation the Body of Christ’s was unleavened or not 

yet prepared to resurrect. Whilst at Limbo, He was proclaiming resurrection to the dead saints then 

to be resurrected on Sunday, after accomplishing the creation mission thenceforth solemnizing on 

Sunday as the day of worship as commanded by God to keep Sabbath Holy-day. But we have 

evidence from both the Bible and from history that long before the so-called change of the day of 

worship from Saturday to Sunday, Christians congregated on Sunday, the day that our Lord rose 

from the dead. From the Scriptures we see the Early Church meeting for worship and the breaking 

of bread on Sunday (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2). From history we have the witness of the Early 

Church Fathers concerning Sunday as the day set apart for congregational worship. The early 2nd

Century Epistle to Barnabas records: “Wherefore, also, we keep the eighth day with joyfulness, 

the day also on which Jesus rose from the dead.” And Justin Martyr, writing about the middle of 

the 2nd Century, declares: “But Sunday is the day on which we all hold a common assembly, 

because it is the first day of the week on which God…made the world; and Jesus Christ our Saviour 

on the same day rose from the dead.”

 The critic clerical’s accusing the mainline ecclesiastical to have changed the Sabbath-to- Sunday 

is totally shame as in the Council of Laodicea in AD 364 and that those who worship on Sunday 

are taking the mark of the beast.

 The Church was given four things to observe at the Jerusalem conference convened to iron out 

problems created by Judaizers taught that faith in Christ was not enough to bring salvation if not 

complemented by the works of the Law of Moses such as circumcision and Sabbath-keeping. It was resolved that Christians were to abstain mediating to idols, fornication, things strangled and 

from blood. The Sabbath was conspicuous by its absence from the important to be observed by 


 Paul taught that anyone who want to regard a particular day or esteem it above another was free 

and anyone chose to esteem all days alike was free (Rom. 14:4-6). The Sabbath was given to 

Jewish as a nation were localized in one country and not the other people, so they would 

commemorate their deliverance from Egypt (Deut. 5:15).

 The Church of Christ is universal and so believers all over the world cannot observe the same 

day for a Sabbath. The Jewish Sabbath was observed from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown 

(Lev. 23:32). But the world have different time zones. When an Adventist begins to observe the 

Sabbath in California, the Sabbath is almost over in Australia. While some Sabbatarians are 

observing the Sabbath in one part of the globe other Sabbatarians are working on the other part of 

the globe.


BC-721: The ten tribes of Israel were deported from Israel by Assyria under Sargon. They never 

returned to the land. Assyrian leaders mentioned in the Old Testament are Tiglath-Pileser, and 


BC 701: Assyria under Sennacherib invades Judah (southern kingdom) during Hezekiah’s reign, 

but fails to take Jerusalem. 

BC-612: Assyria is overthrown and its capital city Nineveh falls as prophesied by Nahum. Babylon 

becomes the new prominent empire in the Middle East. 

BC-606: Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar invades Jerusalem and takes many Jews captive. 

BC-597: Nebuchadnezzar pillages Jerusalem and the temple and takes about 10,000 Israelis as 

prisoners to Babylon. 

BC-586: Jerusalem is invaded again by Nebuchadnezzar and the temple is destroyed He takes even 

more captives to Babylon. The Diaspora, or the scattering of God’s people, begins. 

BC-539: The Babylonian Empire is overthrown by the Persians under King Cyrus. 

BC-536: Jews return to Jerusalem by the permission of King Cyrus. Zerubbabel leads 50,000 Jews 

from Babylon back to Jerusalem to build a new temple. 

BC-520 516: The temple was completed under the prophetic ministry of Haggai and Zechariah.

BC-175–165: The Syrian leader Antiochus Epiphanes gains control over Jerusalem. The Jews gain 

independence from his oppressive rule in 

AD-167, culminating in being recognized as a kingdom by the Roman senate in 

AD-139. Israel remains independent for 100 years until coming directly under Roman rule in 

BC-37. AD-70: Rome burned Jerusalem and the temple as Jesus prophesied.

AD-135: Jerusalem was utterly destroyed by Rome under Hadrian. 580,000 Jews were killed and 

they were banned from returning to the city.

1940s: 6 million Jews are killed by the Nazis. 1948: Israel is re-established as a nation. 

1967: Jerusalem is recaptured by Israel during the SiEVENTS OF AD-70 DO NOT FULFILL THE PROPHECIES ABOUT THE END TIMES

THE events of AD-70 do not fulfill the prophecies about the End Times. Jesus prophesied that the 

Great Tribulation will be the most severe time in world history. It will surpass all other times of 

crisis. Some seek to minimize this prophecy by reducing it to symbolism or by seeing it as being 

totally fulfilled in AD-70. 

 The Great Tribulation will be so severe that God shortens it to three and a half years to keep the 

entire human race from being physically killed (Mt. 24:21-22). One million people died in AD-70

and in World War II, 50 million died. Neither AD-70 nor World War II came close to threatening 

the existence of the human race as the Great Tribulation will, and neither of them was the worst 

time in history. 

The events of AD-70 were clearly a prophetic foreshadowing of the Great Tribulation. However, 

they did not fulfill most of the details given about the Great Tribulation in Scripture. For example, 

Jesus said the Great Tribulation would not happen until after we see the abomination of desolation 

that results in an unprecedented number of deaths (Rev. 6:8; 9:15). 

 The details concerning the abomination of desolation in Revelation 13:11-18 include a talking 

image, the mark of the beast, a healed head wound, mandatory worship of the Antichrist that is 

worldwide, and a false prophet. None of these details were fulfilled in the Jewish revolt against 

Rome (AD-66-70). 

 In that crisis, Jerusalem and the second temple were destroyed in AD-70 (Masada fell in AD-73). 

Then in the Bar Kochba rebellion against Rome (AD-132-135), the Jews revolted against Rome 

again, resulting in 500 000 Jews being killed and 1000 villages being destroyed. Israel was driven 

into exile and Jerusalem was rebuilt and renamed as Aelia Capitolina.

MBAKUMBA dancers carry animal tails and small axe (hubvu) which they swing while dancing.

 The dance was originated among the Karangas of Gutu in Masvingo Province as migration took 

its toll through inter-marriages, the company spread to other provinces alike Midlands and Mash 

East. Those took part on the dance wore animal hides, beads knitted on the edges – women had 

additional skin strapped over shoulder and under armpits then both men and women wore rattles 

on the ankles.

 As modern world coming up with strict laws in animals, the hides are a scarce as in the past,

hunting was a source of leaving so the participants wear ‘mbikiza’ made from cloth, feather 

headdress ‘ngundu’ and leg rattles (magagada or magavhu).

 Dancers convey animal tails and small axe (hubvu) which they swing while jigging. The drums 

(mutumba) were nearly high as an average height of man’s stature.

 Mbakumba dance was for entertainment especially when celebrating at functions of thanks 

giving of harvest, parties, when the moon was full (jenaguru), in marriage ceremonies to show 

those in courtship they joy that goes with legalized marriages.

 They could also sing songs like Chihwehwete, Ndoenda mbire, Tovera, Kusarima and many 



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