Monday 17 January 2022

Understanding Acts, Words Of Jesus Christ



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God"_ (Mat 5:9). In the classical Greek a "peacemaker" was an ambassador sent to treat of peace. The word in this verse would, perhaps, be rendered "peace-workers," implying  not merely making peace between those who are at variance, but working peace as that which is the will of the God of peace for men. The compound word "peacemaker" is comprised of two very common words: "peace" and "maker." The word peace is the Hebrew word shalom. It is a broad term related to health, prosperity, harmony, and wholeness. It means perfect welfare, serenity, fulfilment, freedom from trouble, and liberation from anything which hinders contentment. The word make comes from the Greek verb that means "to do" or "to make." It is a word bursting with energy. It mandates action and initiative. So when these words are taken together, it describes one who actively pursues peace. 

It is important to remember that peace in the Bible is always based on justice and righteousness. Where justice prevails and righteousness rules, there you will also have peace. But without these two virtues, lasting peace is not possible. A peacemaker is never passive. They always take the initiative. They are up and doing. They pursue more than the absence of conflict; they don't avoid strife (in fact, sometimes, peacemaking will create strife); they aren't merely seeking to appease the warring parties; they aren't trying to accommodate everyone. Instead, they are pursuing all the beauty and blessedness of God upon another. Peacemaking is a divine work. God is the author of peace. And Jesus is the supreme Peacemaker. That task, however, will not be easy nor will it be pretty. And, those who do it will often be misunderstood. But take heart, because Biblically, peacemaking is not the absence of conflict, avoidance of strife, or appeasement of parties. But a noble work that manifests God's presence and bestows honor the its workers. 


_Peacemaking begins with a profound experience of the peace of God in our own hearts. We cannot give what is not real to us._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1395 ELK.

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