Friday 18 February 2022

Beyond Valentine - Act on Love

with Tendai Muchena

Early last week I was on radio talking about dealing with the loss of a loved one during this Valentine's period. 

All the hype about Valentine's is usually centered on chocolates and roses, but that's not the happy feeling that everyone will be going through. 

People are fighting grief, toxic relationships, fear of rejection after being in bad relationships, divorce....the list is endless. 

It goes beyond Valentine's and applies to life in general. 

There's a lot behind the big smiles and happy pictures that make up one's life. 

One act of kindness goes a long way in spreading love to someone, you never know what they are going through. 

_This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you._ John 15:12

Be Christ-like, love one another. Don't underestimate what someone else is going through. Spread the love. ❤️

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