Sunday 20 February 2022

Church Team Ministries International In One Day Seminar In Chipinge

By Rev Fr Isiah Dhliwayo

Over 35 Chipinge Pastors attending a one-day Church Team Ministries International (CTMI) seminar at UCCZ Town Church Hall on Friday the 17th of February 2022.

Church Team Ministries International (CTMI) is an informal Christian network, formed in 2001 by Miki Hardy and his wife Audrey with a few leaders. CTMI is a network of Leaders and Churches.

The vision of CTMI is to equip and strengthen leaders and churches in Africa and beyond through the apostolic message of the cross.It is because of this vision that brought this Chipinge visit by guests from Harare and Mutare.

The guests were Pastor Mativenga from Harare CTMI,Pastor Makunike fr Avondale - Christian Church and Pastor Dube too from Avondale and Pastor A Guvheya from Ambassadors for Christ Church in Mutare.

Among those who attended from Chipinge Pastors Fraternal included Overseer Museredzo of ZAOGA Church,Bishop Chizumba who is the current EFZ chairperson in Chipinge,Pastor Chitambo from Assemblies of God,Junction Gate Assembly and is the CTMI coordinator,Pastor Sibanda ZAOGA and police Chaplain in Chipinge,Pastor Sithole the youthful Fraternal Secretary General and Apostle Chitakale,founder of House of Bread International Ministry among those who attended.

The theme of the day was Humility and carrying the Cross as Pastors.Pastor Chitambo in his introductory remarks highlighted that ," ...we believe in diversity as Pastors but in Unity" This was also concurred by Bishop Muchayi in his welcoming remarks of the Guests ,"..we are all gathered here as brothers and sisters in Christ with only one goal of fulfilling Christ's mandate here on Earth....",he said.

Pastor Dube who was one of the guests in his greetings remarks sighted that there is a syndrome killing us as Pastors.This syndrome was that of preaching heretical gospel of saying do as I preach and not as I do.He said," ....talking is very easy as Pastors,Bishops ,Evangelists,etc.....but walking the talk is problematic.."

He further said that churches are breaking and falling apart as Pastors and congregations focus more on Church constitutions than the Bible.Many churches and Pastors have fallen victim of this syndrome.Rather he implored us pastors to allow Christ to build His Church and not pastors to build their churches without Christ.

Pastor Mativenga the main Guest Speaker, spoke about Humility as Pastors.He seriously implored Pastors to be humble like Jesus Christ Himself.As Pastors carrying the Cross of Christ embodies humility.Humility allows us to regain perspective and see big picture as ministers of the Word

.Humility makes us realize that while we may be in picture we are not the entire picture,instead we are only Pastors and not Christ Himself.Author and business consultant Ken Blanchard say,"Humility does not mean you think less of yourself.It means you think of yourself less." Humility enables us to learn and grow in the face of losses,it allows us to let go of perfection and keep trying allows us to make the most out of our mistakes among other issues.Hebrews 12:2 gives us encouragement as we focus on Christ always as the " Author and Finisher of our Faith"

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