Tuesday 15 February 2022


with Elder Elico Manenji 

Genesis 33:1-15: Jacob now Israel meet with Esau his brother. 

Though Israel had met God face to face and he was assured of protection, there were still traces of his old subtlety which he covered with humility before his brother which was but a sign of his humility also before God. His satisfaction to Esau was a sign also of his reconciliation with God.

Israel met Esau in anticipation of evil toward him and his family so he divided his family in three groups and went ahead of them to meet with his brother. Needless this arrangement, God in His own way had already delivered him from that event he had feared.

Some people as Israel are of an anxious and despondent temperament, they are ready  to anticipate evil than to look for good but what we need is to trust and have more faith in God for protection, guidance and salvation.

So instead of fear of our enemies we need to pray, "Lord, increase our faith.” If we do not trust God, we bear a far heavier burden than we to need bear as Israel who thought the acceptance of a gift he had prepared for Esau would pacify his anger and reconcile him to him. If we have the faith which we ought to have and which the Holy Spirit is ready to give and work in us, we shall cast all our care on God, who cares for us.

 Text: The wiseman says, *"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield to them that put their trust in him"(Proverbs 30:5).* 

God has the hearts of all mankind in His hands and can turn them when and how He pleases by a secret, silent but resistless power. 

He can of a sudden, convert enemies into friends and serve His people from impending danger. So, it is not in vain to trust in God and to call upon Him in the day of trouble and  those that do so often find the issue much better than they expected. 

The wiseman says, "When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him"(Proverbs 16:7) 

 2️⃣Genesis 33:16-20: Israel settles in Shechem

Having fully reconciled to his brother Esau in a most friendly manner, Israel parted with Esau who went to  his own country as Israel comes to a place where he rested for some time setting up booths(sukkoth) for his family, cattle, and other conveniences for himself and family.

He came to Shechem, to a place and city of Salem(peace), in the land  of Shechem in peace after a perilous journey in which he had met with many difficulties but he came out safely at last into the land of Canaan, his promised inheritance.

When diseases and dangers encompass us it should teach us how we should put our trust in God and also to value health and safety which will help to enlarge our hearts in thankfulness to God when our going out and coming in have been signally preserved.   

So, here in the  land of promise he buys a field and he was content to pay a price for his own promised land to prevent disputes with the present occupants who had not filled their cup of iniquity.

 Text: "And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keep covenant, and show mercy to your servants, that walk before you with all their hearts"(2 Chronicles 6:14).

There in the land he purchased he built an Altar to God so he might keep up religion and the worship of God together with his family. So where we have a tent we must have an Altar for God and where we have a house he must have a church for God in it. Israel dedicated this Altar to the honour of El-elohe-Israel-God or the God of Israel in honour of God's providence. Moses also built an Altar to the Lord, "And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi: For he said, Because the LORD has sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation" (Exodus 17:15-16). 



As God had lately called him Israel, he now called God the God of Israel, for God is a personal God, who loves to abide in every heart and desires worship from every soul.

As we dedicate our hearts and soul unto him, consectrating ourselves and families to His glory, surely he will abide in us as we abide in Him. Seek Him and seek now His face and He will uphold you. The Psalmist says, "Uphold me according to your word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope"(Psalm 119:116).


Elico Manenji


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