Monday 28 February 2022


with Elder Elico Manenji 

Genesis 46:1-27:  Jacob goes down to Egypt with his family.

Before Jacob proceeded or rushed to go and see Joseph, he went to Beersheba to offer sacrifices to his God.

Beersheba was a place he chose in remembrance of the communion which his father and grandfather had with God , there Abraham called on God and his father Isaac God had forbidden Isaac was  forbidden to go down into Egypt when there was a famine in Canaan.

So Jacob set his eye to the Lord God in covenant with the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and himself for the inheritance of the land of Canaan. 

He could not just go without first consulting the One who gave this promise and God answered him in a vision right away promising him to go down and that He will make him a great nation there.

By way of petition for the presence of God yo be with him in his intended journey, Jacob desired by these sacrifices to make his peace with God and to obtain forgiveness of sin so would not take any guilt along with him in this journey for sin is a bad companion. So, his whole family, seventy people went into Egypt.

Text: "LORD, I have loved the habitation of your house, and the place where your honor dwells" (Psalm 26:8)

By Christ, the great sacrifice, we must reconcile ourselves to God, and offer up our requests to him. 

The Psalmist says, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:6) 

Genesis 46:28-34: Jacob arrives and settles in the land of Goshen

Upon entering the borders of Egypt, Jacob sent Judah before him to Joseph to give him notice of his arrival in Goshen. It was done in respect to the authority of the government of Egypt in whom Joseph was second in charge and to seek his approval and protection as they were in a strange land. We should be very careful not to give offence to any especially to the higher powers of authority.

Joseph went up in his royal chariot to meet with his father, twenty-two years after they had been separated. 

The two, father and son embrace d for a while weeping with joy at this great reunion. So Joseph in turn went to Pharaoh to pay his respects to him and report the arrival of his father and his family. 

 Text: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man" (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

When the heart is satisfied and there is true happiness of life then there is no reason to be afraid of death. 

So, from the going into Egypt arises a new occasion to adore the footsteps of Eternal Wisdom in His dispensations to His chosen people, as God always watches over His people. The Psalmist says, *"For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways" (Psalm 91:11)


 It is the duty of children to reverence their parents even if they are exalted and Providence has exalted them above their parents. So too should all mankind reverence God even when they are leaders of great nations and governments. 

The Apostle Paul says, "Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise" (Ephesians 6:2)  Amen!!!

Elico Manenji


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