Sunday 27 February 2022


Proverbs 16 : 25

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death"


In Genesis 13:14, God said to Abraham, after Lord had parted....Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east west.  Abraham wasn’t looking at the physical world; he was looking in the spirit. Think  about that! Abraham never possessed even a little bit of the land, yet God said, “I’ll give the land to you and to your seed.” 

So, when Abraham lifted his eyes to look, he wasn’t thinking of earthly things; he was thinking spiritually. 

Remember, Lot was also a righteous man because he didn’t see spiritually, he made wrong choices that messed up his life.

There’re  Christians like  that  today who  made certain choices for which others applauded them, but those choices led or would and could lead to their destruction. 

Therefore, I  say  to you: Don’t  make  carnal choices. See in the Spirit, with the Spirit, and through the Spirit.

Let the Holy Spirit help you bring God’s dream that’s  in  your  heart  to  pass.See and  live  spiritually; that way, everything about your life will have only one clear motive: how to  continually bring glory to  Jesus Christ! So, in making life’s choices, let it be with a heart of purity, a heart of righteousness—devoid of fleshly and selfish inclinations. 


Dear Lord, all I ever want is to please you, walk in your perfect will, and see your will and purpose established in the earth and in the  hearts of  men as it is in heaven. Thank you for your glory in my life, and the purity of my heart in serving you, as your Spirit sanctifies me through and through, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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