Tuesday 8 February 2022

Good News To Widows ...

 THE Church News would like to pay homage to yesteryear Journalists for a glimpse at the country and work tirelessly so that Zimbabwe achieve the goals of Independence attained in 1980.

   Though the floor of information was in control of the government through Mass Media, journalists were working in harmony with the employer and the editorial policies conducive and done cordially, offering comfortable to job and feel moral in the news room than at home.

   The past journalists witnessed many reforms of the country and abetted disseminate the information to the world for uppermost of the country. But the country did not recognize a well done job presented by the profession to the employers by neglecting them. Many journalists are in poverty specifically the yesteryear who did not have chance to upgrade themselves to higher learning institutions owing to financial constraints as many had challenges at raising up families.

  A very good example, this reporter was employed by Ziana in 1981 at its foreign news desk and worked for 27-years, was dismissed without benefits after accused of misuse a car by delivering a weekly newspaper of Chinhoyi, The Telegraph and also print a private job The Nation of Hwange, as was online sub-editor and DTP originator at CNG Printing Press at Gweru. 

   The company forfeited all the benefits worked for, for that long years. The company also fired two journeyman and one assistant namely Christopher (originator), Run’anga (Printer) and Manyudwa (assistant). All walk away without benefits as the acting editor-in-chief, was vying for a position of editor-in-chief after instruction by the CEO that on condition if find fault to the Worker’s Committee chairman the late Denford Run’anga who was giving the CEO, headache about NEC bargaining of Graphic Union Workers, of which this reporter was inflicted a victim of circumstance in 2007. Years pass by those on the helm resigned and received their packages due to them and partnered and start trading business at Zvimba, then I, and others are roaming the streets as a result of poverty with all know-how of start a production company of producing a newspaper, printing and designing. 


THE African Faith Mission (AFM), Ephrata Musami, are leaving for Masvingo to attend a four-day Conference for Widows and Single Mothers (WISMO). 

   The conference is going to be held at Rufaro, Zimuto, the main centre of AFM where it was originally originated by its founder …………………….. who died in 2009 then buried at his Zimuto home village in Masvingo was believed to have been born in 1919.

   The symposium is an yearly event held by the church to impart knowledge on widows and single mothers of the religious as the Bible says I leave you with orphans to take care of.

   According to reliable source close to the church told The Church News that all widows and single mothers nationwide are going to attend. All logistics are in place that make the journey successful said Mr Colin Mandundu an executive member of the church.

   The guest of honor to the symposium is the president of AFM in Zimbabwe A. D. Madawo.

THE preterit journalists were in affectionate with the news room as the job was at par excellence in executing as government too was working hand-in-hand by giving diary and apprises.

    The editors were in cohort with editorial team thru holding diary meetings together then notifies as well encourage staff to be factual and meet stipulates deadline of production failure cannot freed as the story in-await. 

   It was enjoyable to be in the newsroom of past having time to write a stories with a dictionary aside of referring to words and read newspapers in the well set-up library rather than at any point of interest though journalists are hardly church goers as most of the time in newsrooms battling to chase stories with PTC landline for presentation on diary meetings held. The dignity and dressing were appreciating and complementing with the profession, accurate in conducting the business and defamations of presentations were minimal. They had working relationships with all stakeholders of corporates and the public at large. When public notice the presence of journalists at functions or hubs they start conversing and censoring the words to say as they think reporters record all.

   In support of the media practitioners the Office of the President through Ministry of Information use to throw parties of journalists in all big events covered, thanking of the job well done as they too covering proceedings at Parliament on the sitting days precisely Ziana, had the mandate  to transmit copy locally, regionally and internationally.  

   This reporter recorded one memorial event at party hosted for journalist by Ministry of Information at the then Sheraton Hotel, now Rainbow Towers, the late president R. Mugabe was the guest of honour, a sub-editor of The Herald the late Chemisty Mafuba fell in front of the former leader, and gave a laugher to all present reporters and the supreme. 

   Mafuba, was known for his addiction in guzzling and hardly find him intoxicated, was excellent in his performance though blotto. 

   In 1988 saw the formation of ZUJ launched led by Kindness Paradza, Vincent Chikwari and other media personnel. In support of the union, quite participatory of reporters and editors were consistently noticed at Quil-Club housed at Ambassador Hotel, interviewing ministers and corporates requested to respond questions of the social responsibilities, afterwards a sip was entertained so that paparazzi’s go happy. It was a good aged days for preterit journalists, then ZUJ chair was late Vincent Chikwari who lobbied for the entity at Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) in 1988. Both late Vincent Chikwari, Kindness Paradza and David Maruza’s reign stimulated moral of journalists by regularly upgrading through workshops, scholarships and bereavements.  

   The affiliation was active during the supremacy of the guys as countless journalist not creditable amid demises then shadowed by Matthew Takaona who later was bestowed with honorary name ‘Ambassador’. Too, stretch ethics to journalists from other unions were Organisation of Journalists (OIJ) based in Prague and Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), stood considerable causative on journalist matters and are now left with MISA as OIJ is quite.

   If ZUJ, subsist should take note of journalists countrywide, the existing and demise be known in matters of name referring accordingly. Ambassador Takawona should not remain mute as he exposed proficiency from his preterit supremacy of ZUJ country-wide.

   The Church News, Mash East Province, would like to wish the editor of this publication, Honest Makanyire a happy birthday. Makanyire is one of the yesteryear journalists.

THE followers of African Faith Mission (AFM), Ephrata Musami, are leaving today 2 February for Masvingo to attend a four-day Conference for Widows and Single Mothers (WISMO). 

   The conference is going to be held at Rufaro, Zimuto, the main centre of AFM where it was originally originated by its founder Mr……………………….. passed in 2009 at Masvingo hospital then buried at his Zimuto village, was 90 by the time of his death. 

   How he started the church was narrated to the church members, relatives and friends gathered at his Rhodene home where mourners were paying their last respect to the legendary. 

   The symposium is a yearly event held by the church to impart knowledge on widows and single mothers of the religious as the Bible says I leave with you orphans to take care of.

   According to reliable source close to the church told The Church News that all widows and single mothers nationwide are attending. All logistics are in place that make the journey successful said Colin Mandudu an executive member of the church.

   The guest of honor to the symposium is the president of AFM in Zimbabwe A. D. Madawo.

THE mobile phones of modern world have brought miseries to the country’s habitants since mobiles brought in lies into all sectors of the humans. The lies and cheating stand endless in homes, businesses and individuals.

   The mobile companies remain worsening the situation by exposing many lines to a single soul as one line represent a number of clients to be served then after, the line is switched-off, other inserted for next deals, the first performed with no longer access the dealers’ number used result in desperate sobbing. 

   Several lines on being stood on convenience sake for purposes of withdrawing big amounts of cash on Ecocash. Each line was registered to access ecocash, when the company realized the idea ceased and made client to choose lone line.

   This paper have learnt that people stand misusing the business of mobiles by cheating families, business clients and too, youths playing shabby deals of selling mobiles and accessories as business of the day. Alteration of lines stay regularly changed as they feel deals should be kept secret. 

   In one of the surveys by this paper learnt that rural mothers are not sleeping at night attending to the mobiles citing the gadget stand as the way of life by communicating with world since most relatives and friends are abroad said Mbuya Jangwa of Mushinga.

   She was once a pre-school teacher at Mahowa and retired after a long illness. She now employed herself in the business of prescribing African herbs to close societies of which she said without mobile my business won’t move and next week am leaving for South Africa, so I need to communicate with clients. She was echoed by Mbuya Kunjanda of Matete village

 who said, I won’t sleep, I make sure I read and respond to all messages on whatsapp and bundles ready. During the day I snooze as my mobile on charge, come evening no shuteye. But the Bible says every creature should sleep so that the mortal body is transformed into a new form by the deep sleep (2 Corinthians 5:1-10)

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