Friday 4 February 2022

Light On Friday

with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


 _"What wages do you want?" Laban asked again.  (Genesis 30:31)_ 

Laban, Jacob's  Master, gave him room to decide on his exit wages and benefits. What a privilege!.

It only takes an impressed and satisfied employer to create such an opportunity for his worker.


Dear Christian, should you be at either side of the table, as the employer, would you have such an open ended administrative relationship with your employee? 

As the employee, would your performance be so impressive as to earn you such an award? Good workmanship does not come overnight, it is grown over time. 

It requires strategic management and survival skills to pull through the challenging seasons of the work place. 

Such consistence in a changing environment would earn you the trust and  confidence of your employer.


In addition to that, a child of God needs intrinsic motivation which should be derived from the love of and for God. With such a combination comes hard work and endurance which yield appreciation by your employer. 



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