Friday 11 February 2022

Light On Friday

with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_'Humble greetings from your servant Jacob.'_ (Genesis 32:4b)

Life taught Jacob to be an excellent negotiator. 

He managed to negotiate with Laban from the days of his marriage to Laban's two daughters, through his exit package and finally the exit itself. We meet him again at a situation that required his negotiation expertise.

There are some lessons we derive from Jacob's attitude  toward reasoning together.  First, Jacob stands very sure of what he wants. 

It is very important in any negotiation that you know exactly what you want out of it. Be ready to admit your shortcomings, if any, choose humility. 

Pride has no room in  negotiation. Jacob took the position of a servant, even though he was a brother. 

He understood that humility and submissiveness would earn him his brother's listening ear.

Many negotiations have ended prematurely or  even escalated into fights, all because of pride and unwillingness to submit. 

Dear Christian, you lose nothing by humbling yourself. In fact, a submissive heart eventually wins, most of the time.

Jacob used submission and  trust in the Lord and all things worked well for him.  Pride does not pay. Be warned!


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