Friday 18 February 2022

Light On Friday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_"Well," Esau said. "Let's get going. I will lead the way."_ (Genesis 33:12)

The brothers finally met; greetings, introductions and gifts were exchanged. The unexpected happened that day. 

While Jacob had feared that his brother might fight him to avenge the stolen blessings, Esau had already buried the hatchet. _"Let's be going,"_ he said as he prepared to lead the way forward.

Dear Christian, do you cling to the past wrongs and nature past differences? Do you look forward to paying back evil with evil someday? 

Esau harbored no such thought, but that of forgiving, forgetting the past and leading the way to peace.

Some people would welcome and forgive but, still closely monitor the former enemy's next step, looking for any other shortcomings. That is not forgiveness. 

Jacob played his leading role as the elder brother and led a united family into the future. It is not recorded anywhere in the Bible that the two brothers had fresh differences.

They achieved peace and established a rich and God fearing future generation. You too can chose to forgive, achieve a legacy of unity and guide into a successful future, those who will come after you. Amen!

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