Friday 25 February 2022

Light On Friday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_"Go and see how your brothers and the flocks are getting along," Jacob said. "Then come back and bring me a report."_ (Genesis 37:14)

After checking on his brothers and the flocks, Joseph was expected to bring a report to Jacob. Reporting is one activity that dates back from time immemorial.  

You remember Noah, in the ark, when the floods receded, he first sent a raven to check on the conditions but it flew back and forth, with no real report. 

He later sent a dove for the same task and it returned to the ark because the waters still covered the earth. That was an accurate report. 

After waiting for some time the dove was sent out again and this time brought a different report; an olive leaf on its beak. 

The last time he released the dove, it never returned. This was a clear report that all was then well outside. What an accurate way of reporting! (Genesis 8:6-12)

Reports help us to make accurate deductions about  situations. We are able, using such reports, to make informed decisions.

The Bible reminds us that one day God will expect each one of us to give a report about our lives. We are to give account of our time on earth. _"Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God._(Romans 14:12) 

Reports are expected to be truthful. Best reports are those from true witnesses to the activities. 

That is why Joseph would go and spend some time with the brothers, observing everything and then making an honest report of what was taking place. 

Let us be good reporters, reporting without fear or favor, the truth and, only the truth. 

God will not have anything added or subtracted on your life report when you face him on the day of recognition. The time to put things right is now because no one knows the time or day we will stand before the Lord giving our reports. 

So while the sun  still shines we must make the hay. Amen

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