Monday 7 February 2022

Light On Monday


But the previous night God had appeared to Laban in a dream and to

ld him, "I'm warning you, leave Jacob alone!"

Laban must have been scheming against Jacob when he received this cautionary statement from God. 

What wrong had Jacob done to Laban?  Nothing. He had worked fourteen years for his two wives and acquired wealth through hard work and God's blessing. 

He, then, was only taking his family to his own land and people,

according to God's instruction. 

The Lord said to Jacob, "Return to the land of your father and grandfather and to your relatives there, and I will be with you."

(Genesis 31:3) 

The stern warning  proved to Laban that God was with Jacob. "I'm warning you, leave Jacob alone!"_

God fights for and protects those he chooses and calls.

Dear friend, are you not pursuing an innocent Jacob? Has he not been loyal to you?  Why are you after the life of a person who has done you so much good than bad? 

Take heed, and leave that Jacob alone. Fighting God's child is tantamount to fighting God himself. As surely as God lives he  will fight for his own chosen people. Be warned, "leave Jacob alone!"


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