Monday 28 February 2022

Light On Monday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_"Come on let's kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns. We will tell our father, 'A wirld. animal has eaten him.' Then we'll see what comes of his dreams."_ (Genesis 37:20)

Joseph's brothers wanted to stop not only him from dreaming but also dreams from coming true. 

But this was an unstoppable mission and theirs was an unproductive waste of effort. 

Their hope could be likened to one chasing the wind.  God had set Joseph's destiny and no one could to stop that.

Following Joseph's life story, we learn that the pit did not stop him, because the brothers later pulled him out and sold him. (Genesis 37:28) 

Portiphar's wife framed him and had him put in Prison, *(Genesis 39:20)* but still the prison failed to contain him. 

Joseph moved from the pit to the prison, and from prison to the palace, *(Genesis 41:41)*, all because the Lord was with him. His brothers lived to witness his dreams come true.

When we walk with the Lord, he lights all our paths and goes before us wherever we go. He guides us all the way to see our dreams come to fruition. Nothing stops what the Lord has started and blessed. Amen

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