Saturday 19 February 2022

Light on Saturday: Girl Child Protection


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)

WHAT TREATMENT? _(Girl Child Protection)_

_"But why should we let him treat our sister like a prostitute?_ (Genesis 34:31) _Full story Genesis 34:1-31_

Dinah, Jacob's daughter, had been seized and raped by a local prince, Shechem, son of Hamor. He later wanted to win her affection with tender words, pretending to love her. 

Why would he rape the person he loved? Why would he later need his father to get her officially for him when he had already messed up. 

This treatment of Dinah caused tension and friction between the two families and tribes, that later cost many lives. (vs 25-26) 

_"But why should we let him treat our sister like a prostitute?"_

How would you treat someone's sister, child, or mother? Shechem decided to treat Dinah with shameless dishonour.  Did he use his royal power to take advantage of Dinah?  

The young Dinah was only being human, doing what any girl of her age would do, visiting some young women who lived in the area. The prince had a different plan for the young and innocent girl.

Dinah's brothers valued their sister and family, so they took it upon themselves to fight for their sister and family. 

Needed in the world of today are  men and women who will stand and fight for the protection of the unfairly treated Dinah of today. 

Needed are communities with eyes, ears, minds and hearts for the girl child.

In your position of power, how would you respond to the girl child and her cries? Would you use your position to suppress her more and even seek to eliminate her or, would you stand and say, *_"such is not the right treatment for a girl child,"_* Seek to fight for and protect the rights of the girl child. It may be from a distance that you see and hear of it but, it could be your daughter tomorrow. This is time the prince  has to treat the girl child with the worth of a queen.



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