Thursday 10 February 2022

Light On Thursday


with Major Isaiah Motsi

(Gaborone, Botswana)


As Jacob started on his way again, angels  of God came to meet him. When  Jacob saw them, he exclaimed, _"This is God's camp!"_ (Genesis 32:1-2)

There are people who are just blessed by God regardless of what they have  done  and despite the challenges or opposition they face. Jacob was one such a person. God had loved him from birth. (Romans 19:13)

God has often chosen to bless some people such that whatever they put thier hands on turns to be productive. Jacob would later have a son, Joseph who, like father; got places and households blessed because of his presence. 

When God is in it the results are always positive.

The appearance of angels as Jacob began his journey must have been a clear sign that God was guiding him. 

It was a green light for the goodness that awaited him. There is nothing as bad as not having an understanding of the presence of God. 

Make it your Prayer dear Christian, that God may open your spiritual vision and understanding to perceive his presence in your life. God made every person's heart to react in such a way that connects to the mind and builds up conscience.

God usually speaks through a person's conscience. So learn to follow your conscience, you will be able to hear God speak to you. Amen

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