Thursday 17 February 2022

Light On Thursday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


_"My brother, I have plenty," Esau answered. "Keep what you have for yourself."_ _"Please take this gift I have brought for you, for God has been very gracious to me. I have more than enough."_ (Genesis 33:9,11) 

The two brothers, Esau and Jacob were each blessed by God during their separation. From their own declarations, Esau had plenty and Jacob had more than enough.

Of importance is the fact that the two realized that all that they had was from God. Today's generation would want to acquire wealth by hook or crook. While Jacob thought that gifts would help him gain his brothers friendship, Esau did not see it necessary. His plenty was enough for him. He might have finally accepted the gift because Jacob insisted. He did not want to be seen as soliciting gifts from his brother as a condition for reconciliation. His position must have been, _"Blood is thicker than water,"_ and no gift would take the place of blood.

When we have differences as families, friends or any other relationship, gifts may not suffice to mend our relationship. Our coming and reasoning together lead to a healthy reconciliation. Any gift, given and/received, is just but a gesture. Real healing and closure comes from meeting and talking issues over. 


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