Wednesday 16 February 2022

Light On Wednesday

with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


Then Esau looked at the women and children and asked, "Who are these people with you? "These are the women and children God has graciously given to me your servant," Jacob replied._ ( Genesis 33:5)

God did not intend his people to live in solitude. He makes sure there are people around every person to relate to.  

Meeting Jacob, Esau knew only his brother, and yet there then were women and children with him. Esau wasted no time but asked, *_"Who are these people with you?"_* Jacob informed Esau how gracious to him God had been by blessing him with the women and children who were with him.

This is a lesson, that those people with us are not there by our own making, but by the grace of God. 

Take time to consider those people with you. They contribute a lot to who you really are, so never take them for granted. 

Be grateful to God for them. 

You may be a husband/wife, your spouse makes your life complete.The people around you may also include children and servants, still they are a result of God's grace and they add value to your life. Jacob never bragged before Esau but he, after bowing down to the ground  seven times, introduced his God given family to his brother.

Are you grateful to God for the people around you? Amen

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