Wednesday 23 February 2022

Light On Wednesday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)



_But while his brothers were jealous of Joseph, his father wondered what the dreams meant._ (Genesis 37:11)

Joseph's dreams confused his brothers and even Jacob his father. 

The brothers never wanted the idea of Joseph rising above them to become a leader over all of them. However, the repeated dreams got even his father asking, _"What kind of a dream is that?"_

A spiritually mature Jacob took time to think deeply about his son's dreams and wondered what they meant.

As any responsible father would do, he gave extra time and thought to what he was hearing from his son.

Parents, we need not take for granted some things that happen to our children.Take time to listen, analyze and assess things. 

God often uses children to relay prophetic messages that may even save nations. It takes a spiritually mature and listening father to seek discernment and keep a record of certain things their children may do or say.

Jacob lived long enough to see Joseph's dream come true. He witnessed Joseph's brothers bowing before Joseph and the latter being in charge of them all.

Jacob could not help it but thank God for his son. Fathers out there, ask God to  enable you to look out for those unique characteristics that your children display, and help them follow their dreams. 


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