Friday 11 February 2022

Living as Foreigners

11 February 2022

By Rev Kenneth Mtata 

Today's readings:

Psalm 1

Jeremiah 13:20-27

1 Peter 1:17-2:1

Verse of the day 

"Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear" (1 Peter 1:17).

Human beings respond differently to the fact that we here on earth only for a short time. "For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come" says Hebrews 13:14. There are two extreme attitudes to this fact of life. Some people choose to ignore that we are here for a short time and act as if we here  permanently. Others go to another extreme. Because we are only here temporarily, they choose to already disconnect and act as if they are no longer on earth. But   what is the best way to live here on earth in a way that demonstrates a healthy awareness that it's for a short time? 1 Peter 1:17-2 some pointers. 

First we must live with reverent fear of the fact that God has made us PARTAKE in a great project call abundant life for all.  We are in a class higher than silver and gold because we were purchased "not with perishable things such as silver or gold" to enjoy the fullness of life. Each morning we must remind ourselves that we belong to special breed of partakers of life.

Second, because we are on a program of abundant and eternal life, we enjoy both short time here but PERMANENCY in Christ. Temporality and eternity must coexist in us. We should not allow the limitations of our short time here to diminish the quality of our participation in the eternal programme. Eternal orientation must triumph temporary existence.

Third, recognition of our short time calls for us to assume a double PURPOSE. We share with all the faithful people in a general or common purpose to serve and worship God as well as to serve and love God's people. In addition, each one of us has a specific purpose for which they are here. You will not fully live your particular purpose if you are not fully contributing to the general and shared purpose. Without discovering the common purpose,  it is very easy to miss one's specific purpose. 

Fourth, since we were purposefully here on earth together with others, we make it our duty to live fruitful and faithful PARTNERSHIPS with one another. It maybe partners in the family, in church or in society. We make it our duty to play our part so that others are fulfilled. We were given gifts others need. We are not parasites that just draw life from others. We contribute to life  We must help each other carry their load. This is to live in active love. Partnership thrives in active love  

Fifth, since we are here for a limited time we must clarify our PRIORITIES. Yes, we were purchased by something more worthy than silver, gold or platinum. This also means we must not live as if we are here only in search for gold, silver and platinum. POSSESSIONS must contribute to a quality life while we are here, but they cannot be the reason why we are here. We must be able to live life to the full even if it happens that we lose everything. 

Finally, we must always be ready to PART ways with this present life in a dignified way. We must not fear to go. We don't stay in the departure lounge, but our ticket must always be ready. When God calls, it must not be a struggle to say, "yes Lord I am here!" Therefore, readiness is made easier if we are ready to account for how we lived. The end should not surprise us because readiness is our daily task. Three things make our departure something joyful.  First, we must have no hidden sin or guilt that we are unwilling to confront.  Second, our relationship with God and people must be reconciled as much as we can. Third, we must do now what must be done now.  We can't procrastinate or postpone.

If we have taken responsibility about how we lived, and have  served and loved God and served and loved God's people in concrete actions of mercy and justice, then we have no reason to fear the end. Rather you await the voice of God to say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master" (Matthew 25:23).

Let's pray

Thank you God for enrolling me into your program of abundant life. Help me to live in the stability of eternity even while I am here on earth. Help me to be a faithful partner for life. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN 

Say, AMEN, if it speaks to you!

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