Friday 25 February 2022

Motivation Express With Tendai Muchena


with Tendai Muchena 

Know Your Worthy 

Last Monday in a mental health project meeting, we had a guest who was talking about toxic relationships. 

She shared the story of her toxic marriage, the red flags she ignored whilst they were dating up to how issues escalated and became life-threatening when they were married. 

It got me thinking about how toxic relationships are there throughout society, not just in a dating/marriage scenario. 

People who make you feel worthless are toxic. That person who thinks they are better than everyone else at church. 

That colleague who undermines everything you do. 

That friend who "jokes" about how you can not make anything of your life. 

That relative who wants everyone to know your flaws. 

Be extra careful of who's constantly around you and when it becomes overwhelming who do you turn to?

_Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know._ Jeremiah 33:3

It might seem selfish but protect your mental well-being at all times. 

Know your worth, you are valuable. If there's no one to rely on, rely on Him who put you in this world.

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