Friday 18 February 2022


18 February 2022

By Rev Galanti

Today's readings:

Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40

Genesis 44:1-17

1John 2:12-17

Verse of the day

"He searched, beginning with the eldest and ending with the youngest; and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. At this they tore their clothes. Then each one loaded his donkey, and they returned to the city." Gen. 44:12-13.


The issue here is coming from Genesis 37, where we see Joseph being sold by his brothers. The brothers had grown jealous in their hearts because of two things. First was that Joseph carried special favor with his father, Jacob. Joseph was loved by his father.

Second, Joseph had a great vision. God spoke to Joseph in dreams about his future, and the future of his family. The brothers had interpreted Joseph’s dreams and concluded that he would be a great person in life. But this jealous did not bear good fruits. But since God had greater plans, not only for Joseph but also for the whole family, God preserved and promoted Joseph’s life.

BROTHER'S KEEPER (and SISTER’S KEEPER) is God's character, hence He commanded to love a neighbor as oneself, cf. Matthew 22:39. Joseph was a BROTHER'S KEEPER. That is why his father sent him to visit his brothers in the field where they were looking after animals. In return, Joseph’s brothers were supposed to be their BROTHER'S KEEPER, but they failed this mission of God and sold their brother.


Despite the jealous of his brothers, Joseph did not repay them with evil (cf. 45:7). Rather, in all he did in this story, Joseph wanted to enflame the brothers’ dying sense of responsibility of what they had done in the past. He wanted them to be moved to repentance (cf. 42:28; 43:23). It is also possible that he wanted all of them to experience communal responsibility, and that is reason why he insistence on isolating Benjamin. Joseph knew his God-given mission for his family. He did not lose focus.

In this story we learn some important lessons. 

First, Joseph wanted to see for himself whether his brothers had changed from their spirit of jealous or not. He had to give them some tests, which they did passed.

Second, Joseph had a mission which he worked to achieve. His brothers had to repent from what they had done in selling their brother for senseless gain. Verse 16 of the same chapter 44, the brothers seem to be admitting even to the sin of jealous which made them get rid of their brother Joseph. 

Being a BROTHER’S or SISTER’S KEEPER is a mission God invites all of us to. This goes back to Genesis when God asks Cain, “Where is your brother?” Also in Exodus 20: 12-17, God details this BROTHER'S KEEPER mission. Disregarding God’s commandments is to deny the mission to be your brother or Sister’s keeper. In difficult times like this period of COVID-19 pandemic the BROTHER'S KEEPER mission is vital. The mission of the BROTHER'S KEEKER is as good as that of the priesthood of all believers. It is a call to care for one another in times of need. BROTHER'S KEEPER is a two-way relationship. Do to others what you want others to do for you. Will you be BROTHER'S or SISTER’S KEEPER today?

Let us pray

Ever - present God, without your Word we have nothing to say or do. Without your Spirit we are helpless. Give us your Holy Spirit, that we may lead by example. We desire to be good and helpful KEEPERS of our BROTHERS and SISTERS through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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