Wednesday 23 February 2022

The disciple’s obligation to speak up

23 February 2022

By Rev Dr Kenneth Mtata

Today’s readings

Psalm 38; 

Leviticus 5:1-13; 

Luke 17:1-4

Verse of the day

“Anyone refusing to give testimony concerning what he knows about a crime is guilty” (Leviticus 5:1)

Speaking up to confront sin of individuals and sin of institutions is not only difficult but also sometimes dangerous. But in today’s gospel reading, Jesus says, “Rebuke your brother or sister if they sin, and forgive them if they are sorry” (Luke 17:3b). In Leviticus we have been warned; “Anyone refusing to give testimony concerning what he knows about a crime is guilty” (Leviticus 5:1). 

According to these readings, God’s people have no choice but to speak up. And no matter how diplomatic or loving you do it, if you tell people that what they are doing is wrong, they may not be happy with you. Herod and Herodias were not happy when John the Baptist told them that their relationship was sinful. They were so angry that when there was a chance, they had John killed. Many people, like John the Baptist, have lost jobs, advantages and even lives, for daring to speak out about some evil.

 The temptation for most Christians is to preserve themselves by keeping quiet even if they see things are going wrong in the family, in the church and in society. Many institutions deteriorate until they collapse because those who see the rot, the deterioration of standards, the decay, the injustice, the sin, and evil, do not speak out. What does it take to speak out against evil?

First, people do not speak against evil because they consider themselves more righteous than anyone else. They speak against evil because they are witnesses to a standard higher than them. If our witness is only to say all is well even when things are not going well, we are guilty.

Second, people do not speak against evil because it is enjoyable do so. As Christians we do not go around looking for evil so that we can speak out against it. We do so because we are obliged to do so. It is being faithful to our calling as God’s people.

Third, we do not speak out against evil just to make people feel guilty. We speak against evil so that if they want, they can repent. We can’t change people's hearts, but we can at least point out what is against God’s standard. 


God, we pray for discernment to understand when things are not going well. Give us courage to address issues so that things do not continue deteriorating. Help us to start within our families and close circles until our salt seasons the whole society. In Jesus’ name we pray.

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