Tuesday 22 March 2022

From A Hearer To A Doer

 The secret of moving from being a mere hearer to be a doer.

22 March 2022

By Rev Kenneth Mtata 

Readings of the day 

Psalm 39; 

Ezekiel 17:1-10; 

Romans 2:12-16

Verse of the day

"For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but the doers of the law who will be justified" 

 (Romans 2:13).

What really distinguishes us as the people of God is not hearing God's word, but hearing, believing and doing it. How do we move from being mere hearers to being doers of the word?

The first step is an open and willing mind and heart to hearing what God is saying. Hearing God's word regularly with an open and willing heart and mind is what creates faith. We read in Romans 10:17 that "So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ." There is no substitute to hearing God's word even though hearing alone is not enough. Those whose attitude is that of openness, will soon expose themselves to hearing God. Familiarity with God's voice, creates ability to follow as Jesus says in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me."

The second secret to move from being a hearer to being a doer of the word is the discipline of daily habits. Such daily habits include reading God's word, praying over what has been heard, meditating or reflecting on what has been heard and putting into action what has been heard. These daily habits will slowly develop into our regular behaviour. Regular behaviour will soon turn into our character. Character is who we are in different circumstances when we do not need to make effort or think about it. When the word has imprinted a Christian character in us, we have matured from being mere hearers to being doers of the word. 

Third secret of being doers rather than mere hearers of the word is to understand that no-one fully graduates in this process. No matter how Christian your character is, you will still have defects and you will make errors. These errors and faults will be shown to you by the word of God or by fellow Christians and sometimes by those who even do not believe. The Holy Spirit is in the business of working through the word to conform us to Christian character individually and making us into a people of God collectively. Without the Holy Spirit, we are easily defeated by the desires of our flesh, the workings of the devil and the systems of the world that are viciously working against God's kingdom.

The Holy Spirit works through us when we repent all the time we fail. Starting afresh everyday is therefore the greatest secret of true discipleship.


God we thank you because you gave us your word to breathe new life in us. Through this word at work in us, you make us a distinct people who are ushering your coming kingdom. Establish your word in us today through the power of your Spirit. AMEN

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