Friday 11 March 2022

Light on Friday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


"And please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. Mention my name to Pharaoh, so that he might let me out of this place." (Genesis 40:14)

One of the two dreams that Joseph interpreted meant death for one prisoner while the other meant life for the other prisoner. Then Joseph made this request to the man who lived; 'remember me when you get to freedom'. The interpretation had also carried a prophecy that things would be well for him and he would be restored to his position of chief cup-bearer. 

So Joseph asked him to simply mention his name to Pharaoh.

There could be times when you found yourself caught up in a hopeless situation. 

At such  darkest point of despair some good Samaritan came to your rescue. You got a life line just at the verge of drowning. 

The Saviour might have had his own problems but was selfless enough to put you before himself. Now that things have truly worked out for you,  have you ever taken time to reflect on your yesterday? Have you spared a thought about that good Samaritan who lifted you out of that quick mire?  You might have been with them in the dark cloud yet they pushed you first out to the light. 

Have you ever mentioned their names to the powers that be? Reflect on someone who rescued you. Someone  helped you to freedom, help  someone to theirs too. One good turn deserves another.  Amen.


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