Wednesday 2 March 2022

Light On Wednesday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


Judah said to his brothers, "What will we gain by killing our brother? We'd to cover up the crime." "After all, he is our brother, our flesh and blood." (Genesis 37:26,27b)

Blood-shed will forever haunt the conscience of the perpetrator. Every human being was created with an instinct, that deeply challenges and convicts anyone who commits murder. A murderer is never at peace with himself. 

Judah talked about covering up the crime. That is one sad reality common to murderers. They try to cover up the crime. Now, the covering up does not erase the guilt. 

So the most important question one must ask self is, What do I gain by killing? Even if it is a mob driven violence, there is always that hand that hits the final nail. So it is neither about the group, nor about politics nor tribalism, the guilty conscience haunts an individual. No guilty conscience will manifest on a wrong person, never.

It is good that the questions of sense kept coming within Joseph's brothers. First it was Reuben who asked, 

"Why should we shed blood?,* then Judah, "What do we gain by killing our brother?"

Let sense rule and let the spirit reveal to the blood thirsty; that you get nothing but trouble, if you shed blood. *Amen.*

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