Wednesday 9 March 2022

Light on Wednesday


with Major Isaiah Motsi 

(Gaborone, Botswana)


The warden had no more worries, because Joseph took care of everything. (Genesis 39:23)

Work places are often worrisome. This is not because of their  buildings or the work itself, but it is because  of some of the workforce. At times workers may not do as they should or may choose not to perform at all.

Joseph was, by then, less a worker, he was a prisoner who had been given responsibility over other prisoners. In authority above Joseph was the warden but, he entrusted all his duties to Joseph. The warden had nothing to worry about, knowing that Joseph was diligently taking care of things. People who do what is expected of them at work are rare. It takes the fear of the Lord and his guidance. A person of integrity prays this prayer as they go about their daily duty, "Guide me Oh thou Great Jehovah." Joseph was one such person. He was covered in God's love.

Are people free from worry when you are left in charge? Be it those to whom you report, or those put under your charge?  Do they feel covered or exposed? Joseph was just an inspiration to all those around him. He worked, to please, not the earthly, but the Heavenly master. Such should be the attitude of the saved at work; pleasing God all day long. From that, comes recognition and appreciation. Amen.


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