Monday 7 March 2022

Monday Showers Of Blessings With Rev N Murambadoro

 Monday showers of blessings come from Philippians 1:9-11 "9. And this I pray, that your love may abound more and more in real knowledge and in practical insight, 10. so that you may learn to recognize and treasure what is excellent, and that you may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ; 11. filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."

This is the actual prayer that Paul did. Focus of prayer is on love to keep increasing. Philippians had already displayed real, practical active selfless sacrificial love. Not a feeling of love. Paul experienced their love and made a prayer for them that, this kind of love should keep abounding. Its sad that in our Churches today, we no longer experience this kind of love because of divisions, politics, hatred, jealous, material competition, and so on. We forget that, our core business as a Church is to demonstrate love for each other and love for GOD. End result of Paul's prayer is for the Glory of the LORD. CHRIST in us the Love of GOD enables us to distinguish and treasure what is excellent so that we maybe pure and blameless. Our failure  to demonstrate  love means the absence of CHRIST in us. For us to join the Philippians Church and the Universal Church of CHRIST demonstrating love, we need start up a relationship with CHRIST. JESUS told Nicodemus that unless you re born again, you cannot partake in this kind of love. Only when CHRIST is in us, we would be enabled to demonstrate the love that Glorifies GOD. Amen.

Blessings and Shalom

Rev and Family

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