Wednesday 16 March 2022

Murewa Stories With Aaron Ipsani



Last week Aarons Hungwe was profoundly criticized by the apostle of God News church at Muchagoneyi village where the church gathers for the Sunday service. 

   Hungwe was invited by the church’s Pastor Chinyadza to proselytize at the shrine. His sentiments of evangelization was disapproved by the inventor of the church why he had preached the gospel of resurrection and tribulation as Hungwe chose the topics to share with the congregants.

   Hungwe said in his preaching, “The resurrection of the dead in Christ shall occur at the Rapture (1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 Thess. 4:15-17). The word Rapture aptly describes the act or action of the snatching up or catching up into the air of believers by Christ at His Coming, both the dead and living followers shall be caught up to the clouds to meet the Lord.

   They shall be raised up with incorruptible and immortal bodies. The bodies shall be changed and glorified. Not all the dead shall be raised up at the Rapture; only the dead in Christ, believers of the Church Dispensation, shall be raised and the living saints shall experience a transformation of the bodies from corruptible to incorruptible bodies and from mortality to immortality. This change will occur without dying (1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 Thess. 4:15-17)”.

   About the Tribulation he said, “The event of the annulling of the covenant by the Antichrist and the setting of his idol in the future Temple divides the Tribulation period in half. The first three and half years known as the Lesser Tribulation because Israel would be deceived and trusting in the pseudo-peace of the Antichrist. Jesus called this period “the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:8) or “the beginning of birth pains”. The second three and half years will usher in an unprecedented time of affliction and trouble to both the Jews and the Gentiles. This period is called the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21). It is variously called “the time of trouble,” (Dan. 12:1); “the time of Israel’s trouble,” (Jer. 30:7-9), “the indignation,” (Isa. 10:25; 26:20), and “the tribulation of those days” (Matt. 24:29). The Second Advent of Christ will bring to an end this terrible period and the entire seven-year period of the Tribulation.

   The Rapture is a mystery that was first revealed to the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 15:51-52). A mystery previously hidden truth now revealed but still retains a hidden element about it despite the revelation. In this way those who love God will understand the mystery while those who hate Him will be in the dark as to the meaning of the mystery (Matt. 13:11).

   This was the preaching of Hungwe result in him ex-communicated by the apostle saying he was instilling wrong gospel but admitted the resurrection in the old fashioned way that it was over and no one know the coming of Christ. Hungwe is reported to be a follower of mainline church.

THERE was drama at Kadzviti village when two thieves were beaten seriously by villagers after stealing 100watts Solar Panel, radio and other electrical gadgets include litres of cooking oil to a closest neighbor. The two thieves are Tapiwa Muendamberi and Burudzvuku Gwaze all married with children. 

   The burglars break into Sekuru Eliot’s house and stole goods worth hundreds of dollars on 6 February then hide the goods.

   The offenders were badly beaten by villagers before police arrive to attend to the scene and apprehend the burglars. After struggling in defending their nasty acts and weary of receiving blows they apologized and disclose the spot where they hide the stolen goods. When the police arrived, villagers had already condemned the lawbreakers.

   The incidence of burglarizing in Kadzviti, Muchagoneyi and other villages in Murewa west stand increasing as some went unreported to the police.

   At Muchagoneyi, the village committee held a meeting chaired by the village head to decide on increase of theft in the area then investigate to a submitted name of a suspected thief whether to evict him in the village. They resolved that they seek permission to the police before action taken to the notorious thief. 



The recently hyena story has taken a new twist that Searchmore Chauke (38) of Chaza village under Chief Mangwende, was not mauled and killed by a hyena as earlier reported. 

   The death of Chauke according to latest version is reported as follows; that on the fateful day Chauke beg a young boy to accompany him where he was herding for pasturing the cattle then was pursued by a closest fellow neighbor grabbing weapons used to kill Chauke. The neighbor instructed the boy to leave the spot and the boy went and hide where he can view furtively at the motive of the assailant. He witnessed Chauke knifed to death and he run to tell his mother the incident of death, in reply the mother instructed him to keep quite. Then the boy went with cattle for grazing and met the Wild Life Parks whom they cautioned him not herd cattle in the bush as the fear of hyena was still in the minds of the people, then the boy confirmed to the Parks that Chauke was knifed to death by a closest neighbor. The Parks staff were still lingering around the area trying to ascertain the truth leading to Chauke’s death and the National Parks without hesitantly communicated with Macheke police and in-turn the police blocked Chauke’s burial for the deceased body should go for alternative postmortem said a close relative of the family refused mention owing to jeopardize his profession.   

   It is also reported that at the attempts of burying the body mysterious happenings were notice with the first attempt the pit was water filled and the second, the expansion of the coffin that failed to fit-in the abyss.

    By the time of going to press the deceased body was not yet buried. 

The deceased body of Searchmore Chauke, is still under police’s investigation. 

Chauke who mistakenly reported to have been mauled by a hyena was incorrect as truth was revealed by a young boy neighbour. The hyena harassed Jacob Mtaki and headman Chizema of Mushayi village were the victims of  stressed by the carnivorous animal was later killed by rustics with battle-axes after a manhunt conducted to the awful creature then wrestled to death.

   Provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Simon Chazovachi urged villagers to keep watch at hyenas as they are dangerous and desist from moving around at odd hours.

   According to Mushayi villagers said, the hyena is believed to have descended from the two adjacent mountains Masaraure and Chongwe, known for housing dangerous animals and are of the view that the animal is witchcraft associated and was sent for the evil practices. The incident is believed to be principal of the sort of animal initiating threats to villagers in the region. 

   Local people are of the interpretation that since it has extra rapports of witchcraft has led by the creature to play hidden game around the village. The villagers have to exhale a sigh and thank the mammal’s life was conquered and slayed or else was going to initiate mutilation to people passing-by the animal’s indeterminate site.

   Hyena is a dog-like nocturnal of Africa that feeds chiefly in carrion and too, believed to be in cohort with witchery activities according to folktales which Mbuya Jestina Chaguza aged 102, commented that hyenas are associated with sorcery, thus the carnivorous animal spend day in hide as its philosophies remain dangerous to humans and too, evil alike owls who wanders at night in search of prey and day eclipsing in caves.

   She also narrated a story of 1960s of a white-men named Hannan, lived in Greendale area in Harare undertake a project of sheltering creatures equating them as brunet, feed them with portion of venison daily. He was sheltering the animals for liken of black people said Chaguza of Kadzviti village in Murewa west.


It was a tight schedule of village heads in Murewa west as two crucial events were to be attended by heads of communities in the Mash. East region. They manage as they start with burial of headman Marembo who died in Harare then buried on 3 February, by full admiration of diverse heads at his home village in Murewa west under Chief Mangwende. The deceased by the time of going to press was a retired headmaster. 

   Then on 4 February attended the Presidential Clean-up Campaign organized by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. 

   However, the President did not attend and delegated Minister of Environment Mr Ndhlovu to read the speech on his behalf as the responsible Minister of Environment.

   Last clean-up campaign was graced by Amai Mnangagwa then this time was to be graced by the honorable President but was unsuccessful owning to commitments and proxy the Cabinet Minister accountable for environmental to lead the occasion.

   The President stands arguing all Zimbabweans to take clean-up campaign as a priority in all centers of the country. 

   The occasion was attended by village heads, civil servants, business people, party cadres and residents of the center. Great ululation was noticed at Musami centre, as folks watch Chipangano youths dancing at the open space celebrating the cleaning-up day exercise.

   In a survey conducted by this paper, the past few years Murewa Rural District Council commissioned a refuse truck to Musami to carry garbage, then the service was shortly impeded and clean-up program halted resulting in the collection of money to support the program by business community stopped and the selected implementation committee to monitor disbanded.    

   The garbage is currently soaring at backyards sighting unhealthy with bosh, worse with rain trigger vegetation to spread to all shares of land not sparing the maize fields.

   Business people interviewed said, the program was unimplemented due to advent of COVID-19 that council could not continue furnish with truck and remain in-wait to the normalisation of the operation. 

   Garbage is strewn universally and toilets emitting putrid smell that won’t enjoy use public toilets rather relief on the open or hidden place. Residents of the townships are contributing by not sprucing the backyards as nature is taking its cause.


The pornography videos remain threat to the leaving humans as they show bare bodies of man and woman in the actual creation manner. The divulging of private parts and the acts performed by partners and what transpires along the way depict shame and no longer excite to watch as women struggle to change angles of sex to suit men’s want. When the men’s reach the point of no return, he pull out his penis and splash the semen to woman’s breasts, mouth and the sex organ. Then the sperms spread on the breasts of the woman she extracts them by the tongue into her mouth while the video personnel take shots. 

   The shot of video were viewed by ladies of the night at Murewa centre and this reporter beg to glimpse the motion that result in write the story.

   The phone had many porno video with variety of angles of sex.

   The porno videos according to research made by this paper revealed that man and woman download these videos on the internet and watch privately in an intimacy room by both spouses to stimulate sexual desires to pursue styles because the mind now remain heavily laden by glancing at films. 

   In the rural areas, cases of abuse by guardians and maids as a result of watching porno videos are on the rampant and are going unreported as toddlers don’t know the channels to report the abuse cases to woman’s organizations like Musasa Project, Ruzario Trust and the police.

   Watching porno videos end in abusing marriage bed to married couples and mostly woman of various age groups. 

   Looking closely to porno victims are desperate woman who are abused to eke a leaving precisely in foreign nations where they are held hostage with particular citizens and met exploitation of that sort.

   This paper interviewed a young woman aged 27, claimed to be a widow, her husband passed-away years ago and said, she feel normal when watching porno. Only reminds of her late husband as they were performing alike. So she watch after complete all day tasks at her bedroom till eye shadows are heavy. 

   Another Zvareva village elderly men interviewed said, he only watch porno when his wife is away or sick to avoid not indulge into sexual immorality as the Bible says, Run away from sexual sin! For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body, for God bought us with a high price (1 Corinthians 6:18-20).

   Sex coexists for married couples. Those indulging into sexual immorality are abusing the canal way of creation as sex is spiritual and opens the leeway to God. Nothing further is spiritual than sex which caused Adam and Eve out in Paradise. Admittedly, the soul is drawn to God through the spirit, but it is always bound to the physical through the body procreative part ‘sex’ as channel. 


The world is living in a sex-obsessed, sex-crazed society, and everything reeks of it – advertising, literature, fashion, and entertainment. Marriage as the first casualty. Its significance has become distorted that the true meaning has lost. No person lay blame for all of this at the door of media or society. It is the nation and each one, whose soul has burdened by the sin lust, whose marriages have fallen apart, whose children have gone astray. 

   People should not ignore their own misdeeds; they must take responsibility for the own actions, for every instance where they accept the spirit of impurity and let evil enter into the heart. The populace have mocked and twisted the image of God and separated from the creator. The nation must learn to listen to the deepest cries of the heart, repent and turn back to God.

   Years passed from the beginning of the sexual revolution, then devastating aftermath should be obvious to anyone: widespread promiscuity; rising rates of teen pregnancy and suicide; millions of abortions; the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; the erosion of the family and home life; and the rise of a violent new generation. “Have sown the wind, and reap the whirlwind” (Hos. 8:7).

   The time grossly overestimates the importance of sex. On bookstands, in convenience stores, and supermarket counters, its significance is exaggerated in a thoroughly unhealthy way. 

   Love between man and woman no longer regarded as sacred or noble; it has become a commodity seen only in an animal sense, as an uncontrollable impulse that must be satisfied. 

   As a tool of the sexual revolution, modern sex education more than anything else is responsible for all this. Sex education is supposed to bring freedom, enlightened attitudes, responsibility, and safety. It is obvious that it has failed. The knowledge is no safeguard, and that sex education taught in schools has increased the activity.

   Parents have little, if any, idea of what children are taught in sex education classes. Sex education has never been a simple presentation of biological facts. Many curricula students are graphically taught (sometimes by way of films) in various sexual practices and “safe” sex. In other, sexual perversions are openly and explicitly discussed and presented as normal ways of finding “fulfillment.” 

    In some woman closed meetings discuss topics such as foreplay and orgasm. Antibiotics and abortion are presented as positive safety nets in case contraception and safe sex practices fail. Abstinence, if not entirely ignored, is mentioned only in passing.

    As William Bennett, writes: There is a coarseness, a callousness, a cynicism, a banality, and a vulgarity to our time. There are too many signs of a civilization gone rotten. And the worst of it has to do with our children: we live in a culture that at times seems almost dedicated to the corruption of the young, to ensuring the loss of their innocence before their time. I

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