Monday, 6 June 2022

He Is Calling You

 NLT Bible. Hebrews 10:22

[22]l'et us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.'

This morning as I woke up, my thoughts and mind raced back to both my developmental milestones and formative years in knowing Jesus Christ. I have started to think about how I have come to be who I am and imagined the Power that has wrestled me away from falling into sinful acts which have ruined many people's lives, (I mean the things perceived to please people's freshly desires that are devoid of God's approval). Those who have studied accounts know the concepts of profit and loss. There is scripture principle when we talk about profit and loss. Imagine you are in the company of a group of people who have resolved to go and steal someone's money or anything which can immediately change your fortunes from rags to riches 'social' status. Everyone is puffed up when feelings (imaginations) and thoughts of waking up the following day driving modern day porch car or flying a plane or putting on nice clothes! Because God loves you, you suddenly realize God doesn't approve of such behaviour, and finally by the power of the Holy Spirit decide to pull out from the company of ill thinking group of people. This group of people might go ahead with what they resolved to do, they, being led by the spirit of Satan, succeed in stealing whatever will make them change their fortunes. Tomorrow they each meet you at different times and places each one 'enjoying life'. This may cause you to dislike yourself as thoughts of why you deserted a 'worthwhile' mission which could have ratcheted you to being perceived as rich. But inwardly the voice that whispered to you to leave the company of thugs still tells you not to worry about why you abandoned them. You are controlled by two powerful thoughts, one which says you "lost out' and the other which says you 'gained', thus the scripture loss and profit principle dawns to you. You lose the desire to follow Satan's temptations and you gain (eternal life) when you obey God's commands not to indulge in wicked behaviours. Thing about how you at different times managed to overcome lustful thoughts! Think about how you pulled out of anything that could have caused you to be arrested, isolated by those who love you because you did something bad to them, lost an opportunity to clinch on a lucrative job (position) because of the unbecoming behaviour you did at one company/organization, the things that taint us are numerous to narrate here...! This is how you reconcile your 'spiritual life balance sheet', for you to decide whether what you want to do or are doing will result in spiritual profit or loss. I have a powerful testimony to share with you today, not because I caused the situation to happen by my own power, thoughts or reasoning, it was by the grace of God. Anyway, I will write this separately since it may need more time to talk about, inbox me if you are strongly pushed to want to hear about what happened. Remember I am still talking about what happened to me as I woke up today! I have found myself singing these two songs; 'Ndasunungurwa tendaiwo Ishe -Tendaiwo Ishe...Ndasunungurwa tendai-wo Ishex3, Ndakambosungwa nemasimba asatan...', and the other one, 'Makanaka-ax3, Mambo Jesu, Ta-urai neni, taurai nenix3, Mambo Jesu...'. Both songs made me to celebrate God for giving me the enabling power to resist sin and all of sin's narratives. What is my message to you which is from God today? You gain when you shun indulging in sinful acts, but you lose out God's protective presence (Holy Spirit's power) when you choose to do a sinful act. Some of the losses are experienced while the 'person' (God's spirit in you') who constitutes the physical being you suffers pain because of a wrong decision one made (ie being arrested for stealing, contracting a life long infection because of the promiscuous desires...., the list is endless). Celebrate Jesus Christ this morning for taking you through all the good and bad times, He has the power to get you out and be filled with joy, 1 Corinthians 10:13. Eternal life is not a fictious imagination, it's real (Philippians 3:10). Look at all the things that are around you, which one of these would you say is there because of you or human effort! Make hay while the sun still shines, in another spiritual way, worship God while He is calling you, (Proverbs 22:6) Good morning believer in Christ Jesus?

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