Tuesday 28 June 2022

Wisdom Keys June 28



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change your transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"And blessed is the one who is not offended by Me"_ (Matthew 11:6). Jesus is subtly warning not to give up belief because He doesn't immediately meet a person's expectations. Assumptions are part of our fallible nature, and can be wrong. Jesus is the only way to God the Father (John 14:6), but He is also the stumbling block that people will trip over in their attempts to reach God because they do not believe that He is the Christ, the Messiah. Many people, both in Jesus' era and today, reject God specifically because He doesn't fit their preference or demands. Jesus knew that the focus of His ministry was offensive to the expectation of the Jewish people, who longed for political deliverance from Roman domination. But there was a blessing for those who were not offended because of the Messiah who came against the expectations of the people. 

We are never more vulnerable to doubting God's goodness and care for us as when we are going through some hardship, and hardships come in such a variety of ways. It could be physical imprisonment, or some of the more common tragedies of life. There are many things that can be trying situations, for difficult circumstances are a part of life in this fallen world. That's why trials are described in James 1:2 as things we just run into as part of life. In our self-centeredness we tend to look at everything from our own point of view. We see things for how they affect us personally, and consequently we view those troubles of life as only negative. They are at least hindrances to living a full life and possibly a great tragedy depending on how severe they are. That is why the doubt begins. Yet we find throughout the Scriptures that the difficulties that come in life are seen as positive in our lives. 

The troubles of life cause us to question what is true and what is not, that tests our beliefs and trust in God. The trials of life work to make us mature in the Lord if we handle the doubts properly. 


_The trials of life work to make us mature in the Lord and life if we handle the doubts properly._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1498 ELK.

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