Monday 18 July 2022


 ADULTERY: By Aaron Ipisani

THE law against adultery remain one of the Ten Commandments. Jesus forbids the nurturing the lust tgat leads to the act. Notice that in connetion with both anger and lust, Jesus warns of hell fire. He not only warns us to watch our inner feelings, but goes much further than Moses in restricting divorce (Deut. 24:1-4).

   These days, man are living in the world of nakedness. Every turn of an eye meet a naked woman clad on sexual appetising attire fulfilling the Bible's prophesy that the coming period of sexual immorality and adultery will soon be at hand. All man remain breaking the law of Ten Commandment which reads: "Do  not commit adultery" (Deut. 5:18).

   Man, lets agree, we're looking at woman lustfully then committing ourselves adultery from sunset to down, but not our fault but woman's as they are claiming man shortage. The Bible on Matthew 5 verse 29 says, "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge/pluck it out and throw it away". Can we pluck our eyes for the sack of lust?  Few can, but the rest can follow lust for woman and are happy that can easily chose who is suitable for the day. Sorry for typographical errors and editing. Pause for thought man.

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