Saturday 23 July 2022

Children In Faith



When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Children in faith

Our limited understanding of who God is portrays a degree of infancy. A child doesn't know the reason for bathing, neither does he or she knows the importance of eating, education, putting on warm clothing etc. There is needed for the elderly to hold the hand of that child and walk with it.

This scenario is witnessed in faith where you see Christians seeing no reason to pray and fast ,feed on the word, give unto the Lord, attend services etc. Someone has to persuade such people. It must be noted that child Christianity knows no age.


Heavenly Father help us to grow out of Childish faith,and serve you faithfully, in Jesus name Amen.

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