Tuesday 26 July 2022

Empowerment Programme For Women In Murewa


By Aaron Ipisani

MUREWA: PSZ in partnership with Nohoreka clinic a based clinic at Musami growth point held a Mother's Show Day, The Church News has learnt.

The program was well advertised to most surrounding communities in the area of Murewa west. The Show's theme was well chronicled to both schools, government depts and business community as "Children by Choice and Not by Chance".

  The aim of the Show was to highlight all F/P methods and how they should be correctly used by all child bearing age groups. Also advantages of modern F/P methods were reinforced.

 The program was held in a fantastic supermarket approach on which other medical stakeholders participated in COVID-19 vaccination, children under 5-years immunisation, also free medical facility in curatives was rendered. Routine free F/P service were offered as well.

 The Church News, interviewed the Sister-in-Charge of Nohoreka clini Jenniffer Muganhu and said, she was happy by the turnout of mothers and appreciated on male's paltry attendance owing to bashfulness toward openly visit for personal affairs. The number of man stay lasser, she said.

Muganhu said, she was tipped by the show sponsors that the clinic be re-established after acclaimed a sufficed figure stimuli.


The occasion was notable by diverse communities and patrons at large. PSZ Road Show program was entertaining visitors whilst food served. 

   The event was reported to be unforgettable by community members and other said Luxon Masomera, a staff member at the clinic.

   During the Show, 15 women were identified eligible, they demonstrated to the public as F/P models and were given rewards in cash and kind, though all other attendants were appreciated and given consolation prizes.

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