Monday 25 July 2022

July 25 Wisdom Keys



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"Or how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then indeed he may plunder his house"_ (Mat 12:29). 

Colossians 1:13 says God "has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His Beloved Son, in whom we  have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." Jesus is describing the beginning of that dramatic rescue. Ever since the fall of mankind (Genesis 3:1-13), satan had wide freedom on the earth, oppressing people and holding them captives in his "domain of darkness." One of the first actions of Jesus' ministry was to do battle with satan in the form of several temptations (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus concluded that battle by saying to satan "Be gone!" satan left, and Jesus' power over satan was established. Satan could do nothing to stop Jesus from carrying out His plans in the earth. That's what Jesus describes in this verse. 

Jesus entered satan's house, the earth and hell, to plunder his goods, the people. He began that plunder by first binding the strong man, satan, so that He, Jesus Christ, could work freely in removing satan's grasp from those who would eventually fully trust in Him. Jesus' point to the Pharisees was larger than merely denying that He obtained power from satan. It's that His power is precisely the opposite of that: it's godly power, by the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus is stronger than satan, and He attacked him, and dispossessed him of the bodies of men;  and restraining him from doing them any hurt, entered into the souls of men, dethroned him, and led him captive, who led others captives. Jesus takes souls out of satan's possession, awakes the conscience, enlightening the mind, working upon the affections, subduing the will with love, and implanting principles of grace and holiness in the heart; and so making it a fit habitation for God. There's no show of reason in the Pharisees saying that Jesus cast out demons by Beelzebub. 


_Jesus takes souls out of satan's possession, awakes the conscience, enlightening the mind, working upon the affections, subduing the will with love, and implanting principles of grace and holiness in the heart._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1518 ELK.

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