Saturday 16 July 2022

Pass Christianity To Future Generations


Psalm 22:30-31

 ".... future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn.."

Pass Christianity to Future Generations

History is important in that it points to the past, and serves as a reference to where we hailed from.Through enlightenment we continue to see God at work in our lives. The knowledge of Christ has not only liberated us from death but also from ignorance. 

It is the duty of the informed to inform others. Young people arise and proclaim Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Iron shapens iron, preach the word, proclaim righteousness, to the living and the yet unborn, yes it is possible to be righteous. With Christ it is possible. 


Lord Almighty we praise and thank you for the gift of life.Inspire your people to preach the word to the young and future generations, in the power of the Holy Spirit,Amen.

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