Monday 18 July 2022

Showers Of Blessings With Reverend N Murambadoro

 Monday showers of blessings come from 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 "You are witnesses with God how holy, righteously, and blamelessly we behaved ourselves towards you who believe."

Paul testifies about his conduct to the believers at Thessalonica who could agree and testify that Paul and other Apostles were beyond reproach in this matter. The Apostles lived up to GOD'S living standards and behavior to the point that no one could rightfully accuse them of any wrongdoing. They were devoted to the service of GOD. They conducted themselves admirably, shining their light among Thessalonians, so that they could see good works demonstrated and glorify GOD.

As we begin this week, let's ask GOD to enable us to intentionally begin to devote ourselves to GOD'S living standards which are beyond reproach. We have a generation of young people who are really living a disgraceful life. But one way of helping them is for us to shine CHRIST'S light by demonstrating to them how to live a life worthy of GOD’S Glory. Amen.

Blessings and Shalom

Rev and Family

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