Thursday 21 July 2022

Teachable Spirit

 By Aaron Ipisani

LITTLE CHILDREN (Luke 18:15-17)

(Told also in Matt 19:13 and Mark 10:13-16.) Jesus had just spoken of the tax collector being on his way to salvation because he was deeply perturbed by his sinfulness. Here Jesus indicates that heaven will be exclusively occupied by childlike people. 

No pompous fellows in heaven, strutting around as if they owned they owned the universe. There are plenty in the church here, but not so up there. Jesus said flatly that unless we become like little children, we shall never enter the kingdom of heaven. 

A little child is teachable, trustful, free from mental pride, unsophisticated, and loving. The deciples did not think children were important enough to bother with. That made Jesus indignant-He loved children.

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