Monday 25 July 2022

Tribute To Reverend Veronica Mangena

 *Rev* *Veronica* *Mangena* *was* *an* *Open* *Letter* *:* *Rev* *Dr* *Kenneth* *Mtata*

 _By_ _Dr_ _Tinashe_ _Gumbo_ 

Today, 24th July 2022, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe (ELCZ) held a Church Service at the home of the late Rev Veronica Cynthia Tichaendakunashe Mangena (nee Mhaka) in Braeside, Harare. The service was attended by congregants from across the ELCZ Eastern Diocese being hosted by Mabelreign; Hatfield and Mufakose parishes. Serving and retired Bishops and Pastors also attended the service in honour of the late Rev. Mangena. Women Fellowship (Vashandiri); Men's Fellowship (Zvapupu ie The Witnesses); Luther League Seniors Fellowship and the Youth Fellowships as well as members of other churches were well represented.

Rev Mangena passed away on Friday and will be laid to rest on Tuesday, 26 July 2022. Messages of condolences have continued to come from different corners of the world. 

Rev Dr Mtata, an ELCZ Minister and Zimbabwe Council of Churches(ZCC) General Secretary, was the main preacher of the day. His sermon was hinged on 1 Corinthians 9 verses 1 to 14 where Paul asked numerous rhetorical questions regarding the rights; privileges; benefits and losses of men and women of God. While the sermon was informed by the Church's Almanac, it suited well the  current context of the passing on of Rev Mangena.

 _Three_ _Key_ _Messsages_ _from_ _Rev_ _Mtata_ 

1. Our Ministers of Religion lose (sacrifice) their liberty for the sake of the gospel. They can not control their time and can not choose the food they eat, the clothes they wear and houses they live in. They become slaves for the sake of the gospel.

2. Preachers (our Ministers of Religion) forfeit their privacy. They become an open letter for everyone to read and judge. They are scrutinised by everyone. Therefore, how they live and interact with the world is in the public domain. 

3. Most importantly, they lose their lives. Indeed, Jesus advised that all those who wanted to follow him, should leave everything and carry the cross. Indeed, noone who followed Jesus during his time on earth was ever safe. It was extremely dangerous to follow Jesus. But still, we had those few then, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Jesus. 

Yet, today, we have people who can not be prepared to live the gospel and die for it. 

 _Now_ _About_ _Rev_ _Mangena_ 

Clearly, Rev Mangena was enslaved by the gospel. She was not free. For the sake of the  gospel, Rev Mangena exposed her life for all to see. She Forteited her liberty and indeed her privacy. Despite an ailing heart, Rev Mangena gave herself to the Holy Ministry. She chose to die performing God's work. Rev Mangena's life and work became an open letter for everyone to read and judge its utility. We are consoled by the fact that this particular letter recieved positive feedback from its readers. Since Friday, the speeches that have been delivered by different people confirm that the content of this letter was useful. 

 _She_ _had_ _a_ _Loving_ _Husband_ 

Rev Mangena's husband, thanked all for joining him at this dark moment in his life. Mr Mangena told the gathering how he met Rev Mangena; how the two became pillars to each other; how he would accompany her wife to every Church event and indeed, how life will be difficult for him without her wife. 

Mr Mangena took the opportunity to share the condition that sadly took the life of his wife. What surprised many is the fact that, Rev Mangena remained committed to God's work and available for everyone who needed her spiritual support despite her health condition. Rev Mangena had chosen to lose life for the sake of the gospel!

 _But..."Guru"_ _was_ _the_ _Culprit_ _!_ 

In his speech, Mr Mangena, for the first time revealed the role played by Rev Dr. A. Moyo in the life of the  Mangenas.

Popularly known as "Guru" or "VaMupfuhwira", the former Bishop's Deputy, engineered the love relationship between Mr Mangena and Rev Veronica Mangena. At least, the world  now knows how it all started!

Dr Moyo also boasted of having started a relationship that became a good public letter. He said "Mangena, my brother, you were a very good husband to a wife who had a special role in supported her work very well..... your marriage became a big message to the society...that is why today I am not ashamed to tell the world about my role in your marriage..."

 Mabelreign _Parish_ _has_ _lost_ _but_ ... _All_ _have_ _lost_ 

Representing the Mabelreign Parish, the Chairlady, Mrs Simangaliso Hove shared how Rev Mangena had worked with the congregants. She reiterated that the late Rev was indeed a useful and powerful letter. She had joined the Mabelreign family in the context of COVID-19 but performed her duties very well. 

Indeed, Mabelreign has lost BUT clearly, Rev Mangena's death is a loss to all of us beyond Mabelreign. We were told of how in the last few days, the late visited several congregations outside her Parish. We were told of how she presided over many Church and social processes including the birthday celebrations of my own brother, BJ (Mudzingwa Gumbo). So....all of us have lost!

 _The_ _Bishop_ _Emeritus_ Shiri _was_ _her_ _Sheep_ 

Bishop Emeritus Shiri, the Retired ELCZ Bishop and former ZCC President, spoke highly of Rev Mangena. The Bishop narrated how the ELCZ adopted a policy to allow female Pastors to be ordained. Having been a congregant in Mabelreign under Rev Mangena, the Bishop Emeritus concluded that, indeed, the Church did well in allowing the ordination of female Pastors. He celebrated this decision made by the Church. 

Bishop Emeritus Shiri also shared that he was a school mate at Musume Mission to the late Evangelist Mhaka, the father to Bishop Mhaka and Rev Mangena. He feels good to have been under the leadership of Rev Mangena as his Pastor and Bishop Mhaka as the head of the Church; his school mate's children.

 _A_ _Difficult_ _Reality_ _for_ _A_ _Brother_ _and_ _Work_ _Mate_ 

Rev Mangena was a very close sister to Bishop Mhaka. The two clicked from many angles. They were very good singers together; they grew up together; they both joined the Holy Ministry and indeed, Rev Mangena reported to Bishop Mhaka administratively. They were work mates, away from family relationships! During the Church Service, Bishop Mhaka was visibly troubled by this new reality in his social and spiritual life. But we say, Rev Mangena played her role well and it was time for her to leave.

Bishop Mhaka shared that his sister was a symbol of truth, and, indeed, she was true to her calling as a Minister of Religion. The Bishop further indicated that Veronica means "victorious" hence he believes that his sister has conquered already as she travels this journey to heaven. While on earth, Rev Mangena never complained of anything, hence, she could carry on with her Ministry work even under very difficult situations without sharing with anyone. 

 _Grand_ _Daughter_ _Nomalanga_ _Was_ _too_ _Heavy_ _for_ _the_ _Gathering_ 

Rev Mangena was a good singer. This explains why her funeral has continued to be characterized by songs she liked.

However, the congregation was told of how Rev Mangena groomed her grand children in music. One of the grand children, Nomalanga, whom I estimate to be less than ten years old, emotionally sang Hymn 55 (Chinjikano) off her head from the first word to the last. She did it in such a way that, fifty percent of the congregants went down in tears. I cried too!. The way she sang the song and her body language, was enough for people to deeply think about Rev Mangena. It was too heavy!

The songs that dominated the proceedings included: Hymns 104; 75; 114; 78; 85; 149; 106 and 108. Hymn 55 will continue to linger in everyone's head until we finally lay to rest our dear departed leader. Nomalanga has planted something in our hearts in the context of Rev Mangena's death. Thank you Noma!

We continue to say Rest in Peace Our Leader, Our Sister, Our Minister!

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