Thursday 14 July 2022

Wisdom Keys July 13



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"And you Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shall be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day"_ (Matthew 11:23).

_"Which art exalted to heaven"_ - this is an expression used to denote great privileges. Jesus means that they were especially favored with instruction. The city was prosperous. It was signally favored by the presence, the preaching, and the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here He spent a large portion of His time in the early part of His ministry, and in Capernaum and its neighborhood He performed His chief miracles. _"Shall be brought down to hell"_ - this doesn't mean that all the people would go to hell, but that the city which had flourished so prosperously would lose its prosperity, and occupy the _"lowest place"_ among cities. The word "hell" is used here, not to denote a place of punishment in the future world, but a state of _"desolation and destruction."_

As their being exalted to heaven did not mean that the people were all saved or dwell in heaven, so their being brought down to "hell" refers to the desolation of the city. Their privileges, honors, wealth, etc. would be taken away, and they would sink as low among cities as they had been before exalted. This has been strictly fulfilled. In the wars between the Jews and the Romans, Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, etc. were completely desolated that it is difficult to determine their former situation. 

However, it is not to be denied also, that Jesus threatened future punishment on those who rejected Him. The truth inculcated is, that those who are especially favored will be punished accordingly if they abuse their privileges. To put it another way, unbelief is a sin to be avoided at all cost. It is unpardonable. We are to surrender our soul voluntarily to the will of the Almighty God. 


_Unbelief is a sin to be avoided at all cost. It is unpardonable. We are to surrender our wills voluntarily to the will of the Almighty God._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1506 ELK.

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