Thursday 28 July 2022

Women's part in church

WOMEN'S PART IN CHURCH (1 Cor. 11:1-16)

By Aaron Ipisani

It was customary in Greek and Near Eastern cities for women to cover their heads in public__except women of immoral character.

 Within recent memory, Corinth had been full of temple prostitutes.

 Some of the Christian women, taking advantage of their newfound liberty in Christ, decided to lay aside their head covering in church meetings, which horrified the more modest types. Paul tells these women not to defy public opinion as to what is considered proper in society at large.

 Men and women are of equal value kn God's sight. But there are certain natural distinctions between women and men without which human society could not exist. 

Christian women living in a heathen society should be cautious in their innovations lest they bring reproach on their religion. Angels (v. 10) are onlookers in Christian worship.

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