Friday 19 August 2022

August 18 Wisdom Keys



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_"But He said, No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn"_ (Matthew 13:29-30).

The end of the world is compared to harvest, because the time is fixed and settled. Though it is not known to humanity when it will be, yet it is as certain as the time of harvest. As the harvest time is a time of hurry and labour, so will it be in the end of the world, especially with the angels, who will be gathering the elect from the four corners of the earth, and all men to appear before the judgement seat of Christ. The harvest, as it falls out to be good or bad, a matter of joy or sorrow, so will the end of the world be joy to saints, who will then enter into the joy of the Lord, and be forever with Him, and sorrow to the wicked, who will go into everlasting punishment. 

Until the time of the harvest, wheat and weeds are to grow together. The wheat, or true believers in Christ, grow in the exercise of grace, as of faith, hope, love, humility and spiritual knowledge or the will of God; which growth is owing to the dews of divine grace, to the sun of righteousness shining upon them, to the gracious influence of the blessed Spirit of God, and to the Word and ordinances as means. 

The tares or weeds, or nominal professors of Christianity, may grow in riches, in credit, and in reputation among men, and in speculative knowledge; and often times so it is, that they grow worse and worse, both in doctrinal and practical wickedness. When the weeds are ordered to grow together with the wheat, it's not because of any love God has unto them, or any delight in them and what they do; for it is entirely a tender regard to the wheat, and not to the weeds, that they are ordered to grow together. Don't be on an agenda of withdrawal from the world. There are no ideal spots in this world. Wherever Christ sows His people satan sows his weeds. 


_Where has God rooted you down? Where have you been sown? Bloom where you are planted. Stay engaged!_ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1542 ELK.

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