Monday 1 August 2022

Christ Paid For Our Sins


Colossians 2:14

[14]having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

Jesus paid for our sins

In the above text Paul, makes special emphasis on several aspects of forgiveness we have in Jesus.He cancelled the record of our debt, in the same way a legal pardon cancels the penalty for that crime.

Jesus set aside our sins as believers.Those who have their faith in Christ have their sins removed from his sight.The failures of a saved believer are no longer a barrier between them and God.When God forgives us it means we can have a living relationship with him.

For the believer in Christ, the death of Jesus on the cross is sufficient payment of all sins.So when God crucifies sin , He is not merely killing it , but completely cutting it off.


Heavenly Father help us to put our faith in Christ so that we may be identified with you, Amen.

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