Friday 5 August 2022



By Aaron Ipisani


The Church News, recently ascertained another incident of Alex Jato, who fell a victim of a win-message of 2000.00 dollars from undisclosed company on his whatsaap, send by the lady named Binance. 

   The money, according to the whatsaap, was deposited in the Bitcoin account, awaiting the winner to withdraw after consultation with the sender on e-mail:, to access payment.

   Months ago, a 43-year old Andrew Mupandawana of Jani village, Murewa received a communication on his facebook, that he won 800000.00 pounds ffom undisclosed competition and declared a winner, then requested to direct details to Societe Generale Bank in London.

 In haste the bloke prepare his documents, luck, was advised to refrain from entertaining the publisist of an advert that can be swindled money or persuaded into satanism.

   This reporter, decades ago (2004), was lured with a win-message of 1000,000.00, accessed in London, but ignored the invitation to travel to Britain.

   The competitions ard incessantly advertised in the phones and emails, but no one claim to have withdrawn the money.  However, betting of horses remain better though win once.

 Ostensibly, the principal bet winners were dreamers and aficionados said an old men of late 50s Mr Jiri, whose life as a gardner in Harard low density suburbs survived in betting horses and barely muff a week without win.

   The Church News, was accosted by people to enquire about pleasant memos of competitions advertised in the mobiles pleading to know the selection criteria by the publicist

. Zimbabweans, be wary about the e-competitions, you will be swindled of dollars or lured into satanic world. Cheers

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