Friday 5 August 2022

God The Holy Judge

 Friday 5 August 2022

Theme: God the Holy Judge.

By Rev. T. Shariwa (Methodist Church in Zimbabwe)


Psalms 50:1-8

Isaiah 9:18-10-4

Acts 7:1-8.

Human judges are called "The Honorable," but this judge is called The Mighty One (El), 'God' (Elohim), "The LORD" (Jehovah), "the Most High" (Elyon), and "God" (Eloah), He is Judge, Prosecutor, and Jury. He knows all about those who are on trial. He calls heaven and earth to witness the proceedings Psalm 50 vs 1,4,6. When a judge enters the courtroom everybody stands respectfully, but God's entrance into this assembly is accompanied by shinning of His glory and a fiery tempest, not unlike the scene at Mount Sinai when He gave His Law (Exodus 19:18). When we forget the transcendence of God, we find it easier to sin. God is Judge and judgement begins with his people, the people he set apart.

*The Lord Judged Israel for their Sins.*

This long section of Isaiah 9:18-10:4 describes what will happen to the Northern kingdom when the Assyrians invade. While Isaiah's ministry was primarily to the people of Judah, he used Israel as an object lesson to warn the Southern Kingdom that God does not take sin lightly. Judah had sinned greatly, but God in His mercy spared them for David's sake. However, God's long-suffering would one day end.

The key statement is, For all this, His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still (Isa 9:12, 17, 10:4). This is the outstanding hand of God's judgement, not His mercy. God judged them for their hardness of heart in their refusal to repent to the Lord. God's loving purpose in chastening is that we yield to Him, but if we harden our hearts, then chastening becomes judgement. Israel was being led astray by false prophets and foolish Leaders. Israel misunderstood its spiritual roots. The nation would not listen to God's Word.

Ephraim's wickedness was destroying the nation the way fire destroys a forest or a field. But the sinners would become fuel for the fire, God could kindle their greed. The people of the Northern kingdom were devouring one another (Isaiah 9v20), and battling one another (vs 21), but they would soon be devoured and defeated by Assyria.

In 10:4 Isaiah denounced  Ephraim for its injustice, especially towards the poor, the widows and the orphans. Unjust laws and oppressive decrees robbed these people both of their meagre possessions and their God-given rights. God Is on the side of the oppressed and the poor. The three questions asked in 10v3 ought to be pondered by every person who wants to be ready when the Lord comes. 

1.  What will you do on the day of reckoning when the disaster comes from afar?

2. To whom will you run for help?

3. Where will you leave your riches? 

If God can not bring us to repentance through His Word, then He must lift his hand and chasten us. If we do not submit to his chastening, then he must stretch out his hand and judge us. God is long-suffering, but we dare not tempt Him by our carelessness or callused attitude. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God".


Lord, we come before your throne of Grace understanding that you are not just a judge but a Holy Judge who knows our transgressions before you. Nobody would stand pure before your Holy throne. Help us to be fair and just to everyone. We pray for all this in Jesus' Mighty name Amen.

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