Monday 1 August 2022

Practical Aspects Of The Gospel

The story of Rachel Mapuranga (7), died at Bocha, Mutare when her parents went to attend an annual event of Paschal reminds of a Bible story of Mary the Mother of Jesus who vowed to her parents Joachim and Anna to remain single, then the parents handover her to a cloister for upkeep by the church guardianship when she was 7 years old, according to the book notated by Maria Valtota called 'The Poem of The Man God'.

   She left the monastery after she concieve by the Holy Spirit then betrothed to Joseph to be her husband.

   Rachel, rendering to her mother when this reporter pay a courtesy to the home in commiseration to the family as a neighbour said, she was distract by the death of her daughter whom she was incessantly maxim, she desire to remain sole, then admiring an old grandma neighbour turning 104 years, cautioning her mother that 'how is she managing life without a husband?' not perceiving her husband elapsed long back and left offspring.

   The daughter died when she accompanied her parents to Paschal occasion at Bocha the sect gather for an annual event.

   According to the mother, her child felt hot body arround noon time, the died instantly, and then burry her aftef an offer made of a place for committal.

   The daughter, rendering to legends of religious at the time of going to press said, Rachel might have been surpassed bh revelation from the Holy Spirit since her dynasties wed many wives by determining her age, could not have craft a vow of the kind. The father, currently have many wives and Rachel, possiblh at 12 years was going to be delivered to a man as far the sect's gospel preach. 

Most on gatherings, the church reminds man to marry manh wives, but caution, whoever wed a girlchild is bound to face the wrath of the law, but hardly any man went behind bars for that matted.

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