Tuesday 2 August 2022

Relief As Rangers Shoot Stray Lions

The permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana has reported that a stray lion was shot dead in Mwenezi on Sunday night.

The killed lion was part of a pride of three lions believed to have escaped from Save Valley Conservancy and were being tracked by rangers after being spotted by villagers near Tokwane Ngundu in Nyajena recently.

The lions were wreaking havoc in southern Chivi and Masvingo districts where they have been killing livestock.

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks) rangers killed the male lion on 21 July and two were remaining before the second one was shot dead last night.

 Mangwana said the remaining one disappeared into the mountains. He said:

One of the remaining 2 stray lions that have been on the run in Mwenezi District was shot last night at Manyuchi, close to Mazetese. The stray lions were 3 and 1 was a male lion was shot on 12 and the other disappeared into the mountains. 1 remains outstanding.

Villagers in Nyajena and surrounding areas have been losing their livestock, especially cattle to the stray lions sparking fears they could end up harming humans.

Zimparks spokesperson Mr Tinashe Farawo urged communities to take extra measures and improve the security of their livestock and also avoid staying outdoors at night.

The pride was first spotted roaming freely near the Renco Mine turn-off along the Ngundu-Chiredzi highway.

They are believed to have escaped from Save Valley where the perimeter fence around the wildlife-rich sanctuary was vandalised by suspected poachers.- Pindula News

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