Wednesday 17 August 2022

Wisdom Keys August 17



*Francis Reign* (Ap & Coach) 

_"Raising excellent agents of change and transformation, well equipped with Truth and Wisdom."_


_He put another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away"_ (Matthew 13:24-25).

Agricultural parables would have been especially easy for the original audience to visualize. Many people worked on fields and would have recognized the scenarios Jesus described. This parable starts with a sower who has finished the work of planting a field. The sower used only good wheat seeds. Now, though, an enemy comes to the farmer's fields at night while his workers are sleeping. This does not necessarily mean that the workers are to blame. The story doesn't suggest that they should have been awake and guarding the field, only that the enemy is sneaky and up to no good. 

This is an important point in interpreting parables: that not every tiny detail is meant to have some literal application. The point of any parable is to explain a larger idea, not to create a detailed explanation. The enemy's attack takes the form of sabotage. He sows a second round of plants, weeds, mixed right in with the wheat. It's possible that this was a known form of vandalism, and that the people listening to Jesus had seen or heard of this very thing happening before. 

Scholars suggest that the audience likely would have imagined the weeds to be an inedible type of ryegrass called "darnel" or "tares." Prior to modern sorting techniques, this was a difficult weed to manage. It looks almost exactly like wheat, at first. By the time it can be clearly distinguished, it's already fully rooted in the ground. Needless to say, this parable is unfolding right in our midst, the Nicolaitans of our day led by Jezebel, are trying to make a quick advance in the Body of Christ, but they must be resisted. Verses that follow show the great lengths the farmer would need to take to get rid of the weed and save the crop of grain, the wheat. This attack is malicious and dangerous. Jesus hates mixture. 


_Every Christian society or community, no matter how pure its principles may be, has its bastard wheat - those who bear a resemblance to the good, but whose hearts are not right with God._ 


*Excellence is within you. Bring it out >>*

#1541 ELK.

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